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Unit 10 early rifle hunt

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i have got the early rifle hunt in unit 10. I have been scouting and scouting and seen lots of great Bulls. It seems now that all the archery hunters have been in there the Bulls are scattered and messed up off of there summer patterns. Do any of you have any suggestions on what to do. I sure would be greatful for any information. It's going to be a good hunt Thank you!!!!!!!!

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I would have to disagree that the archery hunters have messed up the elks summer patterns... That might be the case to some small extent but what has messed up the elks patterns you found in the summer would be the rut kicking in. Bulls don't stay in the same area all the time and now that they are looking for hot cows they could move miles and miles. Good luck but don't be locked down on one area. Keep mobile and keep looking.

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Agree with CWpredator. Those bulls would be scattered out either way. Bulls have been known to move 20-30 miles after they rub their velvet. That's why I've always though scouting all summer is sometimes a waste of time. Best time to scout is starting middle of August when they start moving and you can figure out where all those bulls moved to. But I'd you're in unit 10 I'm sure you'll be able to find plenty of good bulls for the hunt.

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Those bulls will travel a looooooong way to rut sometimes. The large cow herds get busted up and they move as well. Hunters may knock em around a bit but once the lead cow finds where she wants to be she stays, the bulls show up. Keep looking


I agree with bbc777 summer scouting just tells you what bulls MAY be in the unit. I know for a fact that some bulls leave the unit and some bulls summer in other units and show up for rut.


Good luck and post a pic of your bull.......

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No I'm not going to hunt the big b. This year, I'm going to try my luck on the forest service side and in the pines. I think I still might be able to get some Bulls bugled in to close range. Any other info would help. This is a once in a lifetime tag and it took 15 years to get.

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As others have said, those Nomads will travel for the cows, the archery hunters did not bust them up, It is Sept. They are breaking from Bachelor herds and rounding up cows ... From what I have seen and heard from others in many units is that the Rut is not in full swing yet... Find the cows and the Bulls will not be far from them, you should be able to find them on your rifle Hunt.

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like most of the posts above - right now bulls are after cows


during your summer early scoutings you found bulls - most likely bachelor groups


did you find any big groups /herds of cows - unlike those above - great herd of decoys ! - lol


these are what the bulls have been seeking during the rut period and have broken up into smaller groups


the cows will try to stay in their general areas and maintain normal routine's / travel routes/ bedding and feeding areas- the bulls just mainly follow along


knowing where the cows home area is key to the rut


bulls will be nomads and if driven off after a challenge they will seek out other areas - often great distances

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