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What do do with my elk head in camp

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Go to a Rancho Market and buy a tamale pot, basically a metal trash can, and boil it out in that. It'll stink, but nothing you can do about that now. Might want to add a wee bit of bleach to help cover the smell.

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get a box or 2 of Borax and a big bag of baking soda - STUFF IN A GARBAGE BAG POUR/COAT ALL EXPOSED SKULL WITH A COMBINATION OF BOTH


this should help to dry out the moisture - where bacteria thrives - it will also keep down the majority the stinking and help reduce a lot of the maggot infestation of rotting flesh



easy to do in the field - it also helps to keep the whole thing as cool as possible


repeat process a few times and toss away excessive old mixture


also expose to direct sun light a few days after process


it doesn't hurt to rub this into an old stinking skull - just spray lightly to moisten and the apply


it should help if not illuminate the smell

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