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6A help

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Well I was able to hit it hard for the first 4 days 2 being solo but the bugling slowed down and now I'm struggling :( Im limited to days in the field due to work/Electrical class . Iv been from kelly canyon to pine groves mnt which is packed of people. I'm down to crunch time next weekend if anyone can shoot me in the right direction that would be very greatful 😊

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If you run in to her, she'll be the one with a whole bull elk strapped to her pack jamming out to some Pat Benatar

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To OP, half of the other archery hunters in state right now are in your same shoes brother! Rut hasn't been strong in many units yet, so it happens, keep at it!

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The Rut will officially Begin on 9/27-28 with the first hard freeze over 5500 feet and the Full Blood moon and Total Lunar Eclipse eclipse... There will be Blood !!! :lol:

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Told you those coues deer cords for elk cords. Send me a Pm if need be.

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I spent the weekend in 5BN, off the 125 rd. Got 2 hrs of sleep Friday night because the bulls were screaming at each other all night. We had 4 bulls surrounding our camp. They yelled at each other from 8pm when we pulled into camp till midnight. Were quite for a couple of hours then started up at 2am and continued till around 10am. It was awesome.

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I'm surprised the Pine Grove area wasn't good for you, not far from where I was at.

It was awesome until other Hunter chased my bugles up the hill. I only tryed right on the line but I hear it's better to hike in deep ?

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I've been in 6a for 10 days watching them Bulls We been on Bulls every day since the hunt started we are waiting on a particular bull but what I found is the Bulls are following the cows a few hundred yards back get behind the cows and start using a cow call that's worked for us every day. We also here bulls calling Every day but it's usually the bull saying I'm over here leave me alone . The Bulls coming in for us been off of a cow call but they are quiet and walk in slow or come in down wind. And I've also seen Bulls with cows. Hope it helps good luck

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