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Shameless Outfitter

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I make good money with my photography so I hope that lends some credibility to my ideas.


Anyone can use your picture if you put it online.

Just because they can doesn't mean its legal to do so. Copyright laws are far more favoring the copyright holder than 99% of people realize. Technically its illegal to download a copy of a photo off the internet even if you don't make a profit off of it. Even to send it to your friends. Doing so for educational/research purposes doesn't cut it, either.



Wow, did you contact him?

Unbelievable, I'd be paying him a visit. Let us know how this plays out.



Its generally best to let an attorney contact him. The worst thing you can do is write him yourself and send a cease and decist letter, unless that's really your only goal. If you want to punish the offender and also be made whole for the profits he made without paying you An intellectual property rights attorney who has a history of suing people will know what to do. When the miscreant thief's attorney sees the letterhead and knows the guy has a reputation of taking people to court and not just settling he will know this guy means business.


Rather than telling a thief to cut out his theft he'll usually ask for a list of all uses, worldwide, of the photo he has stolen and the general ledger of the revenue he has earned as result. What you see in this brochure might not be the only place he has used it and just be the tip of the iceberg. If he has it as the cover of a website or a huge poster print for trade shows it could be making him more money than you might think.


If you're curious if your photos have been STOLEN you can reverse search them at tineye.com. The Google has a reverse image search feature as well.

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If someone wants to use your image for advertising, promotion or profit, they need your consent and release.

There was just a case involving Michael Jordan where a store used his image on a coupon. It was an unauthorized promotion using his image without consent, he won millions $.


^This. Rich as Jordan already was, I'm glad he did this. People need to have the fear of God put into them that theft is unacceptable.

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