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36B North/Northeast Parts

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I have some questions for anyone who has experience hunting the northern parts of 36B. I've got the October hunt and I'm looking to try out the northern parts as opposed to the southern parts I typically hunt. I don't really want to post up the questions on the public forum for every e-scouter to see, so if you have experience with 36B, please shoot me a PM.

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I'm a bit confused but maybe I'm missing something. You're asking for info on a public forum but want to keep it private so every e-scouter cannot see it. Is that e-scouting?

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I'm a bit confused but maybe I'm missing something. You're asking for info on a public forum but want to keep it private so every e-scouter cannot see it. Is that e-scouting?

He is trying to keep it more 1 on 1 which is respectful.... 36B has plenty of good bucks all over that Unit ... So I never have an issue helping out a fellow hunter who may not have as much knowledge down in that Unit ... heck the cat is already out of the bag on the leftovers so I do not think I will be going down quiet as much as in years past... lots of good areas and easy to get away from the masses down there .



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The areas I'm looking at aren't exactly talked about very often, unlike warsaw canyon, etc. I would like to keep it that way.


Also, totally spaced and meant North/Northeast. Sorry.

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