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OK I spent about 7 days up in the hills and backpacked. I use a full 2 man tent. Somehow I ended up with some sort of bites. They are small red spots in various locations and they don't itch or hurt unless you rub or touch them just right and then they feel like a small PC of glass in my skin. Any idea what the heck bit me? So far wife says fleas. Lol

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There's been a couple posts about chiggers* and noseeums this year I believe. I have no experience with either though.


Never heard of noseeums before it came up on coueswhitetail this year and then I seen noseeums spray at Walmart.

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Chiggars, no see ums, scabies.. I got pretty bad case of scabies off a dead bull Elk and they aint no joke partner. I thought had poison ivy and kept treating as such until they got up to my knees and being a guy that made it worth a trip to phx to see a doc. ;) good luck bud.. If wife does not get them then scabies ruled out!


I vote chiggars! Seems like each time you scratch they are amplified x10 run cold water on them frequently for relief and chigger-x it's white cream like noxzema

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Whatever they are, we have/had the same thing. My wife got the worst of it and 3 weeks later she is still dealing with them. My hunting partner's bumps went away the quickest and I was right in the middle. I think mine are all gone now. I'll be curious as to what people say. I thought chiggers, but honestly we don't know. Colleen has about 20 bites, most in the torso area. We were walking throught a lot of tall wet grass for hours during a monsoon rain. It was a rough day, complete with long lasting reminder!

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Pretty sure its not chiggers, had those many times. This is a first for me, i have been in the same area many times and slept on the ground but never had an issue like this. Wasnt much for bugs even with a headlamp on.

One thing that was odd was the daddy long legs, man there were like 40 of those suckers on my gear in the morning. seamed like anything black or under my vestibule was covered in them.

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Scabies usually take hold on the backs of hands first and leave tracks. The mite is active at night, right hoghntr.

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We didn't have any long legs, certainly not any numbers for sure. But we definitely got the same red bumps, you described them to a tee. There were plenty of smaller spiders around but I don't think they are spider bites. I'm still leaning towards walking through tall wet grass. This was a day trip when we all got these bites.

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Colleen had her hands up a lot walking through the tall grass and she got the worst of it. None of our bites are higher them the chest which would be top of grass height. No bites under our packs on our backs as well.

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Ya about the same here and it was tall grass and thick brush and rainy. Mostly on my legs. No big deal, heading back out wed to collect some more. Lol

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Walking thru high grass, usually is chiggers from my experience.


It takes a long time for them to go away. I think we had to use rubbing alcohol ?

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Sounds like chiggers to me as well. I have a few bites on my legs right now. If I touch them.......yikes they start burning and tingling. On me chigger bites take a long time to heal. Usually don't notice I've got them till the next morning after being out all day. Or maybe evening right before bed if I went out in the morning. Mine get good red little welt. I itch them. They puss a little. Then they turn into small looking hickies after they quite itching and go away. Everyone reacts different to their siliva or whatever they put in you. I don't welt up from mosquito bites where as my wife gets huge blobby reactions. I am really reactive to the chiggers though. Some anti itch cream and don't touch the flare up should go down quick.

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FYI the no seem them things tend to be little black flies. They are small and you don't really notice them biting you. It doesn't usually hurt like a mosquito bite. Then you have a reaction. However they show up on exposed skin since they are flying insects.

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No joke, this works on other bites --- you might try (???) >>> Adolph's Meat Tenderizer (rub/pat a paste on the irritated areas) ...

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