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Stolen stands and cameras in 5bs

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We came in mid day on a hunt once. Came back out to the treestand that afternoon. Forest service had taken the treestand out of the tree and set it at the base of the tree.


They will muck with your property but this sounds like your common scum thief.

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During the hunt? I know it really pisses me off when someone tries to claim a spot a week or more before the hunt.


If your hunting, hang your stand, first come first serve. But leaving it there, when your back in town, to get first crack on a spot, that's not right. I've never taken anyones equipment but the thought did cross my mind....then I recovered my senses.

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That sucks Dave! What sucks worse is that theft is to be expected anymore. My bet is whoever is deer or elk hunting that spot will have them. Good luck on your elk hunt!

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This has gotten to be an all too familiar story line. I am totally sympathetic, as I hate thieves as much as the next guy. But, at some point you almost have to expect that if you put a stand or camera on water, you are going to have one(or more) stolen at some point. Just the risk you take. I am not rich, that is why I never put anything on water.

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My buddy had his treestand, ladder and trail cam stolen last year from 5B-S. We've hunted this area for 20 years and this was the first incodent. Five or so years ago the FS hung notes on our ladders stating regs regarding leaving equipment in the forest but nothing taken. My buddy checked with FS and they claimed they didn't take his stuff.

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Sucks bro.. Most likely thieves I was up in 6a this weekend and it was super packed lots of campers with ATV's and Razors and I mean lots of them this past weekend. I'm pretty sure 5b was just as packed

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I saw tons of gear last year in unit one. Only one cam was off the beaten path. Strange how stuff gets left out where you rely on the next person to do the right thing and be honest. Not many people are these days.

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I have a brand new in box tree Stan that your more than welcome to use if you need one I know it's a little close to crunch time but throwing it out call me at 602 469 1067 I'm in North phoenix

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