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Res Hunt Non-Member Results Up

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Who got drawn? Who has done this hunt before? I've never been drawn, submitted every year for the last 4-5 years, a buddy got drawn 2 years ago and stumbled into a spike on the last hour of his hunt and let the air out of him... Don't know if it was dumb luck or if that's what this hunt is like.. It's the only elk he saw the entire time he was up there.


What's this freezer filler hunt like? Anyone love it? Anyone hate it?


Also, it seems a little suspicious that there are so many couples successfully drawn in this 'lottery'. I mean, it seems like there is a lot of twosomes with the same last name drawn, every year (at least for the last 4-5 years that I've been watching it).. Maybe it's just that there are a lot of twosomes submitting, not sure.. Seems odd since there is not group application process for that hunt.


Any thoughts?

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Ive put in for a few years and have never drawn. Ive noticed the same thing, lots of same last names. There are no group applications, but maybe they allow group apps if one is a kid?

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