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Any chance for a little help?

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So I have been looking forward to dove season for a few months (bought my first bird gun), but was hoping someone might be willing to help me out with a potential area as I have never hunted Upland birds. I am currently working in Maricopa on a project but live in SE Gilbert. I know the area all around Maricopa is Gila River Indian Community, but was curious if anyone knew somewhere nearby or between the two that I could stop by on my way home for work. I can leave work around 2:30pm to go shoot some birds if there's a spot close enough. I know a great area that has a ton of birds, but it's almost four hours away 😔. I'm looking forward to hitting it this weekend with my kids as well and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Not a specific honey hole per se, just maybe help me by pointing me in the general direction from town I should head. Thanks in advance, I REALLY appreciate any help I can get!

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Always good to see a new dove hunter! Piece of advice for you cuz dove hunting seems to have most offenders. :( if someone hooks you up with location just take family and not your friends and make, sure they know your taking family. :) this Sir will take you long ways.


You are in some great country and Maricopa I believe still has some good dove shooting around dairies. Last time (5yrs ago or so) they had a pay thing set up to be able to hunt some of the properties kind of a organization of some type. Afternoons if you get near a waterhole you are golden! Good luck and I'm up for a afternoon dove scavenger hunt down that way with you if you want some day next week

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