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rut timing

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Do broken tines count for evidence of rut?

181_zpsjjxcdcig.jpgThis guy already broke two tines. Actual date for pic is 9/18. I haven't been out in the night hours, but they aren't sounding off in the daylight hours. No doubt, by looking at this guy, it's on!

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Actually, here is a better pic of broken tines

180_zpselb39oy4.jpgI still have 44 days left till my season starts, but if this guy survives through tomorrow, there are no other bull hunts in this area until my hunt.

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Depends on what you consider the The RUT ..., I grew up learning and looking at it in phases and the bulk of sparing and herding of cows taking place pre-rut and the actual Rut or What most consider PEAK is the first estrus cycle.... I think that is starting to happen now in some units and will in most by this next full moon IMO.... I can tell you on several occasions night fishing big lake mid Sept. watching bachelor groups of bulls fighting up a storm until it was clear who the Alpha was. The equinox was on the 23rd, the Full Super moon Eclipse is in 5 days ... I have a feeling some of the early rifle guys will be happy by the time their hunts are finished. To be honest after the last 10 years of friends who shoot archery and forum guys complaining that the rut is not going during their hunts, I am surprised so many got upset about the possible pushing archery back and putting a rifle or muzzy hunt prior... this time a year a lot can change in a week or two.

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On another note, if I was back in Montana, there's not much of a probability to see a 7x7 bull on public land. Heck, I'd spend lots of time in roadless wilderness areas and still only dream of seeing a 7x7. Arizona is truly blessed with some big bulls and the average Joe has an honest opportunity to drop amazing bulls.

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Definitely did not appear to be anywhere close to being started yet in 17a this weekend still.

was up there last weekend had truck problems and had to limp home. No bugles, hope my blind is still there when i go back...

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Called in a really nice bull Monday morning. Unfortunately, he heard me shuffle my feet as I turned to line up my shooting lane. I had 5BN tag. Was only able to hunt 4.5 days in the second week of the hunt. The bulls were never really on fire or going crazy all day, but they did bugle a bit in the mornings and evenings. I had more cows responding than bulls in some areas. I was hoping to have one or two crazy rut days, but it never happened for me personally. Still had an amazing hunt and am always grateful just to have a tag.

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