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unit 32

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The game & fish page has a lot of info on this unit. We hunted the Klondyke area for well over 25 years and there are deer in that unit. Aravaipa and The Mammoth side have deer as well as the mountainous area in the south east corner past Tucson.


It really depends on if you are going to make a long trip into the unit and stay awhile. If you are then the Klondyke are has a lot of land to hunt. If you are trying to get in and our fast then the mountains on the Mammoth side are a lot more accessible which means lots of people driving around.


Good luck!

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Guest akaspecials

No deer in 32. All the deer are in 23. Must have got dyslexia when putting in your app...

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Hunted it last year from Mammoth down to San Manuel mostly up off Cowboy Miller Road. I did the middle hunt. It was very dry and I didn't see any bucks. Judging from the sign in sheets most of the deer were taken during the first hunt.

That side of the unit is in a five year drought.

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  On 8/31/2015 at 11:30 PM, Flatlander79 said:

I thought I heard the east side by Klondike had access problems. FYI

The whole Unit has access problems .... One Unit if I were to ever go back to hunt it would be on horse back .



Been some years and not sure if there is any access through the Mercer Roads anymore ( last time we were there they were talking of working a deal with some outfitters and even plowing some access around Sombrero Butte ) the Cake Mountain area always held good Bucks ... Access is the big part and if you are going to hunt it you best be up for Packing in ... even minus access through mercer you use to be able to get most of the way by going south and around on tom Rhodes Ranch Road .. weather washes the roads out a lot so not sure how close you can get to the east side of Sombrero... There are good bucks just have to work for them a little harder.

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We killed two 90 inch bucks in that unit last year and I seen a 95 last weekend good unit but u gotta be will to hike and bee good with the swaros

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Just a heads up heard rumors that Rattlesnake rd may be locked up. Can anyone confirm this? Sucks if this ends up being true. I use to love hunting 32.

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Thanks for the confirmation. With Long Hollow and now Rattle snake closed it could get a bit crowded in the few accessible areas left to hunt on the Klondyke side.

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  On 9/5/2015 at 5:11 AM, OpticNerd said:

Here ya go cowboyup24 this might get you excited for your hunt. All of this footage came from 32.



I ran out of fingers but I'm pretty sure that's more coues Bucks than I've seen in my whole life.

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