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Any traffic lawyer on cw?

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This looks like a job for Str8Shot. Can't wait for his $.02

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Since you have provided no evidence of your innocence. I say guilty as charged. Pay the fine or go directly to jail.

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If you're lucky you won't get sent to Florence. LOL

That is crazy that you would get a ticket for dust, not so much for speeding if you were are a State Road as I believe the speed limit when there isn't one posted is 25mph. I know that Scottsdale PD were writing tickets to some parents across from a school when they parked there to pick up their kids for dust. I really don't see how they can do that especially in the construction industry you do not have to get a dust control permit or whatever it is call, if the site is under two acres.

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This looks like a job for Str8Shot. Can't wait for his $.02

My 2 cents, Ghost? It is not worth the hassle or the bother to get a lawyer ... Price of lawyer + cost of lost time at work and most likely still getting fines even if reduced will cost more than paying them ... Keep in mind majority of the officers are wired and recording so any apologies or talk that you may have been in the wrong even if you are in doubt or questioning it usually goes against you ... In future My suggestion especially if you feel it is wrong and something you will end up fighting, is hit the record button on smart phone when officer is there , tell them you are recording , deny everything, no maybe or possibly ... ask to see the radar ( majority in use have a cam and will show your vehicle and posted speed on a still) , if no radar and they were pacing ask if they have video ... if They are BS or even low probability for being upheld if fought, the officers IMO will just leave you with a warning either they know they do not have good enough evidence or they know you will fight it and they do not care to deal with court. Times have changed and traffic and civil violations are a money making machine, fines are calculated to be affordable to most in lieu to the time and money they would lose missing work... If you know you screwed up and got caught .. apologize to the officer.. take the ticket and pay it , that is the cost of violating the law... There you go ghost, my 2 cents !

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I have had a really bad 24 hours. I received 3 traffic tickets in the last 24 hours. I truly believe all of them are b.s. tickets. I'm sure a good attorney could get them dismissed, just not sure how much that will cost. If you know or suggest a attorney please send me the info.





Hi Adam - I was a traffic cop for several years. If you'd like to give me the rundown I'd be happy to listen and give any insight I can.


Off the top of my head - here are a few points:


  • Civil traffic court is a 51% sway to get the judgement in your favor - not proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Tip the scale of proof/evidence your way and you're deemed not responsible. Provided you're not sitting on some criminal tickets, you have a reasonable shot.
  • I did not see the civil bench in Tempe or any other city I appeared in, favor one side or the other - any party that came prepared to make a logical case based on the law purportedly violated was given good & fair consideration
  • I never had a citizen with an attorney win their case against my charges. But the people who self represented with a case of logical explanations and evidence surrounding the statute(s) charged did occasionally sway the hearing officer. In my experience, the hearing officers are prepared to give plenty of weight to educated & logical statements made by defendants.
  • Emotional ranting to the judge is pointless (i.e. sorority girl blathering and repeated use of the work "like").
  • Study the statue(s) charged, take the time to prepare in advance and present reasons and evidence as to why you're not responsible and you have a reasonable shot in traffic court.



Call me at the shop 480-621-5555 on Monday if you like.


Thx - Healy

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