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Blaze Orange...yes or no?

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I would like to know the opinions of other hunters when it comes to wearing some form of safety orange during the rifle hunts. For the purpose of this discussion, I'd like to keep it limited to hunting elk with a rifle in the state of AZ.

I've been fortunate to draw a late November bull tag in a unit I've hunted 3 of the last 5 years, and it amazes me that 90% of the hunters I encounter in the field are decked out in full camo without a hint of orange.....and I'd like to know why?

I get that most (including me) have a closet full of hunting clothes, and most of which is probably in some form of a camo pattern. But why is it that no one seems to think it makes sense to at lease put on an orange hat or vest? Not only does orange offer an element of safety (not getting shot), but it helps us not disrupt someone else's hunt, or visa versa. Some of these units become very crowded, and I think it would help everyone to not be "hidden" from other hunters. There's nothing more frustrating than spending 45 minutes glassing a ridge or the side of a canyon, only to finally see some movement then realize it's another hunter glassing back in my direction. Had that person been wearing orange, I probably would have seen them sooner and moved on to a different location.

We all know that elk see movement...not color, so why is it that most rifle hunters chose not to wear orange?

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How often do we hear rifle hunters shooting each because they didn't have a vest. Most accidents are self inflicted, or their friend next to them. The number is extremely low. Now to help each other see each other does make since a little. But I'll quote and agree with what another CWT member said about this same topic "so you don't let them see your honey hole". I've hunted here my whole life and never really had a problem with it. Only time I think we should is while bird hunting.

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Guest wdenike

First off, anyone that shoots someone with a rifle. Whether they are in camo, or their birthday suit. Needs to go to prison. And anyone dumb enough to believe they have stumbled on to an area where no one else has set foot. Probably also believes in Santa Claus, and should wear orange 24/7.



Take care, Willie

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It's not required by law and I don't want to

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I think the requirement in other states is more so the game and fish can easily spot you and make sure you arent breaking the law.


was in wyoming a few years ago with my bro in law and ran into a game warden who was pulled off the side of the road with a spotter on his window. Thought he was looking at deer til i saw two blaze orange vests on the mountainside cleaning a deer. He was just looking and waiting for them to do something wrong. Had they had all camo he probably would have never known thy were there.

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The only orange I plan on having on me is the part of my pack that goes over the meat while I'm carrying it out.

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There was a similar thread here not long ago. I was around when lobbyists for the blaze orange manufacturers were going from state-to-state to try to get laws and regulations enacted to force hunters to wear their products.


Fortunately, a game commissioner with common sense asked for data on firearms accidents in Arizona. The only fatalities proponents could find happened from careless gun handling at or near a hunting vehicle, and the lobbyists moved on.


Bill Quimby

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Guest wdenike

^^^^^^^^ Holy Chit the guy with the HONEY HOLES, how did ya find him?????





Take care, Willie

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I always have a little orange on during rifle season, lots of Orange on tha pack out. Grew up in Wy and you are required. I would never take a kid on a rifle hunt without at least an orange ball cap or vest, typically you don't need camp during a rifle hunt anyway.

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I have always felt that being in camo makes me feel like I am more in a hunting mode personal preference but I do agree with others that blaze orange is a wise choice for a pack out with a animal

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