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August archery couse or Mule desert?

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I'm usually under the impression that most people head north or toward the pines during ealry archery season. It won't be till a couple weeks until I'm in the pines but I'm getting so anxious I'll probably go hit 24b 24a Saturday morning till 8:30 in the morning just to get out and do it. I used to do that 10 years ago but haven't since. How many achers are hitting the hot desert this season?????

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I'll be hitting the desert early this saturday morning. I have to work tomorrow so early saturday is the soonest I can head out. I'll be out there around 4-430am with a tag in my pocket. I will also be scouting for my Oct hunt as well, so I can't complain. I just enjoy getting out there and sitting behind some glass.

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If you are not on or close to water by 4 am you will most likely walk in on someone else at every water source in those Units ....

That has not been my experience

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^^^^^^ agreed

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Which ever one is dumb enough to walk in front of me first, that's how I decide, if its brown its down

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I usually head for 27 where its nice and cool, and you could kill either from the same tree. Due to my workload right now, I'll be doing good if I get a single day or two out in 24b, so itll probably be coues deer this year.

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Guest oneshot

Too Hot??? I'm a roofer so the heat isnt a concern for me...

Not really keen to shoot deer while they are in velvet, but I'll be out in the Santa Ritas, recurve in hand, Bear tag in my pack...

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Too Hot??? I'm a roofer so the heat isnt a concern for me...

Not really keen to shoot deer while they are in velvet, but I'll be out in the Santa Ritas, recurve in hand, Bear tag in my pack...

Hahahahahaha! I am a roofer as well David. Heat is really not that high on my concerns. : P

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