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My last Elk!

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Are you going to hunt big bo?

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Great bull and congrats. Hope you smoke a big one for ole times sake. Good luck on your hunt

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Just got back home from 4 days in the oilfield. God that place is depressing. Back to Elk. Is My Bull in unit 10 done growing. Are the rubbing yet. Wish I was there to scout . 4 more weeks and I am there. Anybody seeing toads in 10? Yes I will check out the Big BO.............BOB!

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yes the bulls are rubbing/ shedding velvet


yes the growth for this season is final


yes as shown in previous pictures-- lots of big bulls to find


yes to sleepless nights in your future


yes to dreams of big bulls


yes to an adventure worth waiting for


yes Bob YES BOB - lol


had hoped to catch you around-- will see -- as lots happening that time of yr


Do Not forget to stop in at LILO's for at least one "GREAT " meal while traveling thru Seligman

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