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My last Elk!

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Here is a photo a buddy sent Me of the last Bull I took in 1996 in unit one. He came off the Rezervation and had a easy 80 yard shot. Thats what I got to beat with My unit 10 Rifle tag next month.Iv'e said on here before what He scores. What do You guys think. Any guesses.Even My son just said , wow You wern't fat and didn't have grey hair. Thats the difference of 40 years old versus 59 in 3 weeks. 2 weeks in Az. with an early rifle Bull tag is a good birthday present. Spent My 50th in unit 7 alone on a Antelope hunt. Buddy came up the next day . Good Bday Treats Ha Here's to old times and hope I can get a biggie this Year. That is the only Bull I have killed. Passed up many and missed a whopper in New Mexico................BOB!


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That's going to be a hard one to beat Bob. I'm sure you'll get it done, and if you don't your going to have a blast trying, good luck!

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Was scored at 330 and change officially. Pine donkey wins or he remembered a post from a while back.. Had no fronts.Average mass,51 inch beams fair backend ,but 12-13" fronts killed him. 19 years later I now know what I'm looking at so bigger shouldn't be a problem. ? is how big. What is left in unit 10? We shall see. Thanks Guys.......BOB!

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Bob, I love your excitement about your upcoming hunt over the past few months. I can definitely tell you have the same bug that I have got. I hope you shoot a monster and can't wait to see the post : )

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I got a couple buddies helping Me that know 10, I have never been there. What should My expectations be? They know it pretty good , I will just tag along and glass and shoot.............BOB!

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I got a couple buddies helping Me that know 10, I have never been there. What should My expectations be? They know it pretty good , I will just tag along and glass and shoot.............BOB!

I've seen some trail cam pics out of 10 this year. I'm guessing you'll smoke a big one!!

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Wide open areas. Long shots. Expect to be average 300 yards. Unless your in the thick stuff. My buddy been chasing a 380 for a while now, and years ago he was chasing a 395-400 but never seen it since

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Lots of scouting and help from others I bet you can land a 350-370 if you hunt the whole time plus help. Good luck and keep us posted

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