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How much $$$ to find one?

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CnS, with all due respect (cough,cough) You seem to have the biggest problem with hunters that have a varied opinion than yourself or anything that seems to shine an unfavorable light on Guides and outfitters ... I appreciate the hard work that goes into what guides do minus certain things I have always been against. Being a native Arizonan and Learning hunting from my Gramps and Dad I just have a different concept of what hunting in this state is, at least to me, just like bass fishing in this state versus the rest of the country. As Americans, we are entitled to our opinions and you have never been short on insults or trying to bully those with varied opinions from yourself...


I appreciate the fact that are state and land turns out so many truly magnificent trophy animals year after year, which seems amazing after more than a decade of CWT members trashing the G&F department and being a bit over critical, anyone reading this forum would have thunk there would be no way to still have quality animals on our public lands.


Guides in this state have always been willing to pay for Game Intel and the OP had a valid question... Just because many, like myself would LOVE to see these year long hunters put the blood, sweat, and tears into such an opportunity versus paying for it from people like you and other guides does not invalidate the hard work you do nor the money they bring to our state. Some people just have a difference of opinion. Until you can show a little respect to those fellow hunters, how in the earth do you feel entitled to any respect from them?

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You and I but heads a lot... and we rarely agree.... but I really like what you just wrote above.... and really wish that those who don't agree with me would read it also with their name in my stead....


You see I love the individualism in hunters.... I love the fact that you don't do it like me.... and others do it their way.... and so on! But you won't catch me down talking a trophy of someone else's just because of how they got it done. It was their choice not mine, even if I don't agree. I don't care if your way of hunting is driving up and down the road all day till you see something and try to chase after it with a knife, tied to a stick.... do I think it is a bad idea yes... but what do I care. It just never fails that folks get all debated up every time a critter gets killed in a way that they can't do it, or don't like.... I say nice thing about other peoples trophies or I don't say it at all. Yet it is okay for guys on here to talk $h!t or insinuate... but the instant I say "Whoa!" then I am intolerant? I was defending not attacking and more often than not if you really read my words that is my point and theme. I have family that hunt completely different than I do and at a different levels of intensity, but I never Mock how they do it or disqualify their intentions, in fact I encourage some of them to get out there more at any cost.... just be out there because there is so much to enjoy. That is my point.... guys love to Hate and Trash talk on here... I just felt it was worth giving my $.02 about that... and I take it as a compliment that it upset the riff raff... cuz even if they didn't say it, it was obvious they were thinking it! Hahaha. Oh... and thanks for the limited but presented "respect", Str8Shot....

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I don't really understand why people get mad at other hunters for hiring a guide. People do it on regular hunts and Noone really cares but people get mad when an auction hunter does it. Would it be cool if they could do it all themselves? Yeah it would but realistically is it possible to kill a 436 inch bull or 150 inch coues without help? Maybe but probably not. I agree on the side that some guys just show up and shoot and it's kind of lame but in reality it's not a big deal. Although a lot of auction tag holders are rich I doubt they can just take off any given second to go hunt deer for three months. I know Shane is a dentist in Alaska and I don't think he would have many patients if he told them hey I need to leave for a couple months to scout for a deer hunt and kill one. They made their money and can spend it however they choose. 95% of us would kill to be in their spot with that kind of money.

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so you call everyone reading this thread a buncha names and derogatory stuff, but you're the tolerant one? i'm really cornfused now. at least that's what i got from reading every other line. i guess tolerance has different definitions to some folks. again, the amount contributed to the pot by auction tags is a very small % of what it takes to run this state. you can use your "conservation" argument all you want, but it contributes very little overall. auction were dreamed up by rich guys as a way for rich guys to get preference over joe hunter. plain and simple. lotsa things are that way. just the way it is. but it doesn't mean folks can't have a contrary opinion. and i never read where one person said anything derogatory about even one outfitter on this thread. some folks shared their opinions. some folks got butt hurt over it. whoopeee. mr pot, meet mr kettle. i could go on and on about some of the outfitters in this state, with true facts, but who cares? i'm just one guy. other folks have other stories too. talking down to the rank and file joe hunters ain't a way to win any friends. and don't think you're gonna flame up everyone and a couple hours later act l ike you're misunderstood. it just looks bad. Lark.

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i was just legitimately curious what someone makes when they find these animals, because im guessing someone gets paid. but ok.


dont you dare type anything that "might" insinuate gino. I didnt see one thing that had anything to do with A3. Feeling guilty much?


Screw the finders fee Richard, shoot the big dawg make a replica and sell it to cabellas. That way, the next year, you can hire A3 to kill "there" biggy.

"There" what the heck is "there". Second what in the heck does Gino have to feel "guilty" for? I for one am not a fan of guides. But you know what if any of you crap talkers actually took the time to know Gino or any of the A3 guys you would have a totally different perspective on him or them. Gino would give you the shirt off his back of you asked for it. And all of those guys put more time In the field than half of the members on her put together. It's really sad the way this website has turned into a bunch of whiners. The even funnier part is half the guys who start crap spend more time checking their fraking FB and Coues and Instagram than actually being in the field

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i was just legitimately curious what someone makes when they find these animals, because im guessing someone gets paid. but ok.

dont you dare type anything that "might" insinuate gino. I didnt see one thing that had anything to do with A3. Feeling guilty much?

Screw the finders fee Richard, shoot the big dawg make a replica and sell it to cabellas. That way, the next year, you can hire A3 to kill "there" biggy.

"There" what the heck is "there". Second what in the heck does Gino have to feel "guilty" for? I for one am not a fan of guides. But you know what if any of you crap talkers actually took the time to know Gino or any of the A3 guys you would have a totally different perspective on him or them. Gino would give you the shirt off his back of you asked for it. And all of those guys put more time In the field than half of the members on her put together. It's really sad the way this website has turned into a bunch of whiners. The even funnier part is half the guys who start crap spend more time checking their fraking FB and Coues and Instagram than actually being in the field

how do you know how much time I spend in the field? How do you know how many shirts I've given away? Just cause I don't sell my soul for glorified recognition of how awesome I am for blood money doesnt make me a whiner, it makes me a realist. It amazes me how the small good ol boy elite think that everyone should abide by what they feel is justified. To be honest, it's always you fools that get the most upset. "THERE" how do you like me now?
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i was just legitimately curious what someone makes when they find these animals, because im guessing someone gets paid. but ok.

dont you dare type anything that "might" insinuate gino. I didnt see one thing that had anything to do with A3. Feeling guilty much?

Screw the finders fee Richard, shoot the big dawg make a replica and sell it to cabellas. That way, the next year, you can hire A3 to kill "there" biggy.

"There" what the heck is "there". Second what in the heck does Gino have to feel "guilty" for? I for one am not a fan of guides. But you know what if any of you crap talkers actually took the time to know Gino or any of the A3 guys you would have a totally different perspective on him or them. Gino would give you the shirt off his back of you asked for it. And all of those guys put more time In the field than half of the members on her put together. It's really sad the way this website has turned into a bunch of whiners. The even funnier part is half the guys who start crap spend more time checking their fraking FB and Coues and Instagram than actually being in the field
how do you know how much time I spend in the field? How do you know how many shirts I've given away? Just cause I don't sell my soul for glorified recognition of how awesome I am for blood money doesnt make me a whiner, it makes me a realist. It amazes me how the small good ol boy elite think that everyone should abide by what they feel is justified. To be honest, it's always you fools that get the most upset. "THERE" how do you like me now?
WOW you got me there!

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Who's your daddy

Evidently you. Will you teach me how to hunt please daddy

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like if I glass up that auction tag buck or bull, get some great video of it. how much can I sell it for a finders fee? gotta be at least $5k right?

I have no idea. I guess it depends on how much someone wants to pay for it. Here are some of my experiences and personal opinions so this is from NM so take it for what it is worth. I have read this and think everybody should have their opinion but I personally will not say they are wrong.


I hunt but am not a "trophy" hunter, first legal animal I am going to take. Sometimes it is a small forkie and sometimes it is " the bull of the woods". I will not pay to hunt a private ranch here if I don't get a draw tag. I hunt as a vacation to get away from the city lights, phone, tv, etc. and hear the wind through the trees and the smells and sights of the forest. I hunt solo now but I enjoy the companionship of others during hunting season. I hunt to recharge my batteries and get back to my personal spiritual place. To me the killing of an animal is not the hunt, rather it is part of the hunt.


Two years ago I contacted San Francisco River Outfitters out of Glenwood, NM. I did not have the money to pay for a full guided hunt and offered to pay $100 for some starting points. The unit was not one they regularly guide in so they gave me starting points and refused any sort of payment. I had a great hunt. I know of others that have giant bulls on camera and are taking first time hunters after them for no charge. I know of others that just want the private land tags for the $$$ that come from them.


So each individual needs to look deep into themselves and decide what they want from a hunt and what they are willing to pay. I would love to hunt Moose and Caribou in Alaska, and one day I will achieve that goal.

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like if I glass up that auction tag buck or bull, get some great video of it. how much can I sell it for a finders fee? gotta be at least $5k right?

I have no idea. I guess it depends on how much someone wants to pay for it. Here are some of my experiences and personal opinions so this is from NM so take it for what it is worth. I have read this and think everybody should have their opinion but I personally will not say they are wrong.


I hunt but am not a "trophy" hunter, first legal animal I am going to take. Sometimes it is a small forkie and sometimes it is " the bull of the woods". I will not pay to hunt a private ranch here if I don't get a draw tag. I hunt as a vacation to get away from the city lights, phone, tv, etc. and hear the wind through the trees and the smells and sights of the forest. I hunt solo now but I enjoy the companionship of others during hunting season. I hunt to recharge my batteries and get back to my personal spiritual place. To me the killing of an animal is not the hunt, rather it is part of the hunt.


Two years ago I contacted San Francisco River Outfitters out of Glenwood, NM. I did not have the money to pay for a full guided hunt and offered to pay $100 for some starting points. The unit was not one they regularly guide in so they gave me starting points and refused any sort of payment. I had a great hunt. I know of others that have giant bulls on camera and are taking first time hunters after them for no charge. I know of others that just want the private land tags for the $$$ that come from them.


So each individual needs to look deep into themselves and decide what they want from a hunt and what they are willing to pay. I would love to hunt Moose and Caribou in Alaska, and one day I will achieve that goal.


i appreciate your response but idk what that has to do with how much you get for finding a 150" deer and selling it to an outfitter or hunter.



anyways, there was already answers in post #2-4. so somewhere between 10k-30k im assuming.

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OK so I have video and GPS coordinates to several 500" Elk......330" Mulies.......195" Coues, oh and Big Foot, Yeti, Cupacabra....what ever you want! Even Lock Nes monster! So just send me a check for $50,000, and we will work out the details from there!


No problem.

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So does anyone know if the guy from a couple years ago got in trouble? I heard he was not licensed and got a big finders fee ($20k ???). It was a unit 1 bull that if I remember correctly scored something like 460. I am just asking if anyone knows. I am just asking a question. I really don't care, I am just curious.

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