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Unhappy with my new coues mount

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After staring after my September 2006 mount that I got back on Sunday, I have decided that I don't like the taxidermey work. The eyes are too wide and looking too forward. Here's a picture of the mount (on the right) and a picture of when I took him. Do you guys think that I am being too picky? I put hundreds of hours into scouting and hunting this guy, and I'm really dissapointed. Can the taxidermist (if he is willing) adjust the form to make the mount look more like the orginal? The taxidermist is well known and highly regarded (by most). I was looking at his web page and all of his coues seem to have this look. Thanks for your comments.






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I am just going by your pictures, but the mount looks much like the picture of the freshly killed buck. The only difference I can see, and it may be due to lighting, is the brow bones look more pronounced on the "real deer"than on the mount. The eye's seem to be wider than your other mount, but not wider than the actual deer. My personal opinion is that it looks like a good mount to me.


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I think it looks great..just remember it is a different deer and different taxidermist, they won't be identical.

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As I said in the other thread, I think there is something going on with the position of the eyes.


The ears, nose, antlers, and hide all look fantastic to me however.

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Bowsniper, I have to agree with you on this one. It looks weird to me as well. The bottom line is if YOU aren't happy with it, tell your taxidermist and have him fix it. He should be able to if he's as respected as you say. But NICE buck by the way.

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It's possible that he used more of an eastern whitetail form for this mount -which caused the facial expression to change... You may ask him which type of form was used (or he uses for coues deer)...

Although closely related to easterns, the characteristics are smaller (eyes, etc)...


Still an outstanding buck with archery equipment!




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as AZ P & Y stated - it is all in the forms. there are a lot of forms out there and each taxidermist has their own favorites. I know my taxidermists only uses 1 or 2 different forms. he will get different poses but they are all from the same 1 or 2 makers.


some other things regarding taxidermy work are:


one, many taxidermists are moving to building the forms up with clay to provide more facial character.


second, it is my understanding that after a cape is glued on, it shrinks. if the taxidermist pulls the cape tight during the gluing process, any 'character' that may exist will get pulled out (kind of like a face lift). I know the taxidermist I use is very careful to not use to big of a form or pull the cape tight during the gluing process.


I am guessing the second mount is from a different taxidermist.


I do agree with you. The mount you are talking about does have the eyes looking forward more. it also appears the form that was used has more of a rounded face to it than your other mount or from the field photo.


Don't really know what you can do about it other than ask and see what the response is. Too bad you are not completely happy with it because that is a sweet buck. You are the one that is going to be looking at it every day and need to be satisfied with it. Let us know and good luck.

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I agree with you the eyes aren't right. The taxi, regardless of which form they use, will build up the muscles around the eye with clay and set the glass eyes into place at this point. I think it looks like he built these eye muscles up too much and set the eyes in with a more forward angle than it should have been. They also use a hide paste which is like glue on the inside of the entire hide and this locks the hide down to the form.......with this all dried and the clay hardened, I don't believe it can be altered any more :( Aside from the eyes.....your taxi did a great job on everything else.......I think he did a great job on the ears........most guys don't seem to get those right....along with the eyes ;) Great bucks......I'd be proud to have em on my wall!

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couestaxi (I think) is in Africa right now. Maybe he can chime in when he gets back. I'll let him know about this thread.

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Guest Ernesto C

Mark, to me it looks awesome and again, in my opinion the taxidermist did a great job. Is hard to tell any differences between the picture and the mount.Remember, is also a youg buck...not as old as the other one.


But you are the one paying for a service, if you aren't satisfied you have all the right to ask your taxidermist to fix it.

If after all, he does not want or cant fix it and you dont want the mount I keep it :D That buck deserves honor and specially a trophy taken with a bow. My hat off for you Mark and when I grow up.......I want to be like you. ;)


Ernesto c

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I agree it is a bit different in the eyes, but different is not bad....

If the taxidermist won't or can't change it and you really don't like, it I think I could find a place on my wall for it.

This would be a sacrifice for me but since no one else has offered, I will step up for you.

what are friends for? :rolleyes: :blink:


Just have to add that it was a great story when you got it.

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Mark, To me that mount looks purty dang good...The grey coat with velvet next to the buck that looks like he's been ruttin is a good combo fer lookin at. Big Congrats....P.S. The eyes on your mount dont look any goofier than the eyes on the deer after you shot it.

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Every taxidermist has his own style, based on the image in his own head of what a Coues deer looks like. Your taxidermist did a good job and didn't screw anything up - according to what he has worked hard to achieve and considers a good job. If and when you point out what is wrong to him, he will have a hard time seeing what you are talking about.

If he were to "fix" it, he will have to destroy your cape and replace it with a different deer cape.

It's not a bad mount; It's a good mount. Yep the eyes do look a bit forward. or 'humanized'. I would suggest that you keep your original cape as it is and be content with such a fine trophy as Ernesto said.

It is really important to visit different shops and look at the different taxidermy styles with a very critical eye. There are many really good taxidermists, and reputation is important, but if we're gonna fork out high dollars for taxidermy we need to go and look - real hard! I'll bet from now on, Mark you will be studying the eyes on every coues mount you see.

Again I will throw Clay Goldman's (Mogollon Taxidermy in Payson) name out there. You wanna see anatomically accurate, short-faced, peery eyed - "I wonder what that Coues deer is thinking" - taxidermy, go find Clay's shop.


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I agree with you, the eyes seem to bulge out a little. But otherwise it looks like a great mount. It's hard to find a taxidermist that sees and recreates the animals in the same way you do. I am really picky and have stayed away from getting stuff mounted for exactly this reason Mark. I don't want to get a mount back and feel it doesn't look right to me. I have looked at a lot of taxidermists work and there are generally things I like and don't like about the way an individual taxidermist will mount a coues.


My guess however, is that your taxidermist could fix this problem. I hear all the time from them saying "if you don't like it, let me know and we can adjust it". I think they have a way of removing the cape without destroying it, but ask your taxidermist and see.



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