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Carrying Extra Rounds in the Field

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I carry a full rifle, and a sidearm. Typically it is my 38 super in a shoulder holster with 2 mags under the other arm. I care 1 extra round for the rifle in every pocket so I have a few easy to get to rounds, but that won't clank with other rounds, and I keep a 10 rd belt carrier in my small backpack with extra rifle rounds and a 12rd pistol round carrier in there as well. If I am down south or a questionable area I might put some extra in too. Better to have an extra pound or two of ammo and not need it then not have it and need it.

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I will be carrying plenty of ammo, not that more than 1 round should be needed but I will have at least 1-2 boxes in the truck when we leave the city. Probably most of them loaded up and ready to go too, but then again AR platform makes that easy...

(and I also have a handgun on my side.... ya never know, it actually got use last year!)

sounds like a story behind that one.. care to share?



Do many of you rifle hunters also carry a sidearm? this is my 1st tip to AZ to hunt and I will be south of Tucson. Family I have that has hunted area said they not normally carry, but I am thinking the extra few # on my hip is just extra insurance...?

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I will be carrying plenty of ammo, not that more than 1 round should be needed but I will have at least 1-2 boxes in the truck when we leave the city. Probably most of them loaded up and ready to go too, but then again AR platform makes that easy...


(and I also have a handgun on my side.... ya never know, it actually got use last year!)


sounds like a story behind that one.. care to share?



Do many of you rifle hunters also carry a sidearm? this is my 1st tip to AZ to hunt and I will be south of Tucson. Family I have that has hunted area said they not normally carry, but I am thinking the extra few # on my hip is just extra insurance...?

Always, no matter rifle, bow hunting.... always.
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I agree completely for all the reasons you gave I have just been lazy lately. The Ruger P89 is heavy, the Kimber is also and too nice bang around. I keep saying I am going to get a concealed carry/pack gun just need to do it.


I shot my lion with a scoped rifle at about 15 yards. It scared the snot out of me since it was about 20 feet like yours when it showed up, seemed more like 5. I was using a hand call and never heard it coming and then took a minute to even register what was staring at me. Fortunately it finally walked of a few feet so I could shoot it in the back like a man.

LOL! Thanks for the laugh!


Save yourself $400 or so, buy you a used xd-40, 9 or 45 or Glock 22/23 and call it a day My xd has seen some serious carry time, been refinished twice and still shoots like a house'a fire! I never jump in my truck to go into the woods with out it!


I have settled on an XD or an M&P probably in 40 for my next purchase. I really like the feel of the XD it fit my hand better than the Glock.

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Mine as well. As mentioned, I have had mine for a long time, and made some spectacular shots with it (the best was a called head shot on a jack rabbit, about 40-60yards away, memory is a little hazy, after a member who had bragged about how his 460 SW was soooo deadly to 150, missed a rabbit at like 50... The called head shot shut him up REAL quick, it was awesome!).


It also sits by my bed with a light incase it is needed around the house. I LOVE my XD.

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Just be careful not to dent/ding the plastic tip/point of a bullet or you will ruin it

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Just be careful not to dent/ding the plastic tip/point of a bullet or you will ruin it

Funny you should bring that up. When I posted this, the story Larry told me of the messed up tips popped in my head.

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I always carry a sidearm no matter where I am hunting or what I am hunting. Down south I have been known to carry quite a bit of extra ammo and sometimes even a 2nd sidearm.



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What are you guys carrying so many bullets for???? How many deer are you gonna kill?? Lol.... a pocket full of rounds for me!!!!ha

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I used to carry ten extra rounds for my rifle in a fancy goatskin "cartridge wallet" from Spain that I wore on my belt. (It was much like the one firstcoueswas80 uses). I lost it in the Canelo Hills one day when I stopped behind a bush and didn't notice that it had slipped off my belt when I got up to leave. Since then I've simply put two or three extra rounds in my jacket's pocket. I'm glad to know they sell similar things at Sportsman's.


Bill Quimby

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What are you guys carrying so many bullets for???? How many deer are you gonna kill?? Lol.... a pocket full of rounds for me!!!!ha

My rifle pictured is a single shot. Plus, there is always an opportunity for a lion or coyotes to lose their lives while I am out hunting other big game.

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What are you guys carrying so many bullets for???? How many deer are you gonna kill?? Lol.... a pocket full of rounds for me!!!!ha

My rifle pictured is a single shot. Plus, there is always an opportunity for a lion or coyotes to lose their lives while I am out hunting other big game.


and Don't foget Willy, aka Songdogs, aka yotes..

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