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Carrying Extra Rounds in the Field

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270wsm- Magazine full, plus I always carry 3-4 in each front pocket, 10 more in my backpack. Doesn't cost anything to carry more. You never know when you might be slinging lead at a Mt Lion.


XD 40- mag full with an extra mag in backpack. (Rattlers, bears and two-legged yotes)

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270wsm- Magazine full, plus I always carry 3-4 in each front pocket, 10 more in my backpack. Doesn't cost anything to carry more. You never know when you might be slinging lead at a Mt Lion.


XD 40- mag full with an extra mag in backpack. (Rattlers, bears and two-legged yotes)


This is how I roll but rarely carry a side arm because I am wuss and don't like the extra weight... gotta fix that!


I also rarely have a round chambered unless the magic is about to happen! :P

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I was able to find a link to what I wanted...




RCD, if you hunt in A. Lion country B. Undocumented Democrat country, the handgun is extremely worth it. When I killed my lion way back in 2006, I shot him at extremely close quarters, like 20 feet. When I looked over the edge after I shot and re-gained my composure, he was not there! I put the 270 down and grabbed the XD-40, thinking 13 rounds as fast as I could pull the trigger was better then one round. He was dead as a door nail, just rolled a few feet. Plus, a handgun works very well at putting an animal that might still be alive when you walk up to out down for the count, as compared to a high powdered rifle shot at very close proximity.

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I agree completely for all the reasons you gave I have just been lazy lately. The Ruger P89 is heavy, the Kimber is also and too nice bang around. I keep saying I am going to get a concealed carry/pack gun just need to do it.


I shot my lion with a scoped rifle at about 15 yards. It scared the snot out of me since it was about 20 feet like yours when it showed up, seemed more like 5. I was using a hand call and never heard it coming and then took a minute to even register what was staring at me. Fortunately it finally walked of a few feet so I could shoot it in the back like a man.

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I agree completely for all the reasons you gave I have just been lazy lately. The Ruger P89 is heavy, the Kimber is also and too nice bang around. I keep saying I am going to get a concealed carry/pack gun just need to do it.


I shot my lion with a scoped rifle at about 15 yards. It scared the snot out of me since it was about 20 feet like yours when it showed up, seemed more like 5. I was using a hand call and never heard it coming and then took a minute to even register what was staring at me. Fortunately it finally walked of a few feet so I could shoot it in the back like a man.

LOL! Thanks for the laugh!


Save yourself $400 or so, buy you a used xd-40, 9 or 45 or Glock 22/23 and call it a day My xd has seen some serious carry time, been refinished twice and still shoots like a house'a fire! I never jump in my truck to go into the woods with out it!

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Guest oneshot

Bolt rifles... Rifle fully loaded, single bullet in EVERY pocket so no matter what pocket you reach into, you will find another round..

AR rifle... at least 3 20rd mags...

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I keep one bullet in each pocket.. That way there is always one available and they do not "clank" together.

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I keep the magazine full 4 and I also have the shell holder on the stock that hold 5 or 6. Then a few in my pack just in case those come up missing. Note I have never had to go to any back up ammo. Knock on wood!

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I keep one bullet in each pocket.. That way there is always one available and they do not "clank" together.

Same here.......I keep everything else out of my pockets, nothing up front or in the back just one round per pocket. If I have to go deeper than that I have rounds in my daypack......

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It's unethical to carry more than one round. You know....fair chase and all.

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It's unethical to carry more than one round. You know....fair chase and all.

You know how it goes... You need at least 3 to take that 4,997 yard shot..

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I agree completely for all the reasons you gave I have just been lazy lately. The Ruger P89 is heavy, the Kimber is also and too nice bang around. I keep saying I am going to get a concealed carry/pack gun just need to do it.


I shot my lion with a scoped rifle at about 15 yards. It scared the snot out of me since it was about 20 feet like yours when it showed up, seemed more like 5. I was using a hand call and never heard it coming and then took a minute to even register what was staring at me. Fortunately it finally walked of a few feet so I could shoot it in the back like a man.

LOL! Thanks for the laugh!


Save yourself $400 or so, buy you a used xd-40, 9 or 45 or Glock 22/23 and call it a day My xd has seen some serious carry time, been refinished twice and still shoots like a house'a fire! I never jump in my truck to go into the woods with out it!


Or in case of bears find a used Glock 29 and load up some Buffalo Bore or some Double Tap and hang on tight!

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One shot one kill. Take good ethical shots and you won't need more then one extra clip. But I guess its like my father says , its all proportional to the amount of lead you put on the hill, but then then again he never hits much, practice and you won't need extra bullets

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