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Ulmer Edge

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I see Trophy Taker is no longer selling them. Did another mfg pick them up or are they no longer being made?

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I have been to a couple of different shops that told different stories, I was trying to pick some up, one place said they got into a patent infringement battle, another shop said they had not heard anything about it getting taken off the market.


Have not heard anything except for hear say........

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The maker of the ulmer edge didn't want to get into the legal battle with someone that was accusing them of copying their design.


I like the head so anywhere I see them I pick up a package. eBay has them.

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I currently shoot the slick tricks but was thinking of switching. I don't want to make the commitment if they are not being mfg.

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I like shwacker it's a similar design

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Dan Evans of Trophy taker released a video talking about how Rusty had a company that had the patent come after him. He was unaware of this company because they had not had a product on the market for quite some time, but still held the patents. Rather than pump a bunch of money into his defense, he walked away from the whole deal.

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Nice Blood!! Looks like an animal was butchered there! Call Camofire if you can not find them cheaper than 29.99$ Kendall will sell them to you even if they are not on their site and they have them in stock.

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