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I read on the internet that our fearless leader(whom I voted for :angry: ) is trying to push through his immigration bill with his political clout!? Clout!? He has no clout left, he has been a lame duck for 3 years and is an embarrassment to the US.

I put my money where my mouth was and contacted all of my state senators and representatives and let them know that I would not be voting for anyone who voted for his immigration bill as well as stated my objections to the immigration reforms.

I am letting you know all this so that if the black choppers come get me you will all know what happened!! :lol:

Seriously, I am deeply ashamed that I voted for W(ussy). THis last term has been terrible and not only has he managed to lose support for himself, the GOP has little to no chance to have a President elected from their party. He has been the democrats dream as he has singlehandedly insured that the next pres will be a democrat(and probably a shemale named Billary). What scares me is we will have a democrat president and a democratic senate. Say hello to gun control regardless of the shaky agreement the NRA and the democrats have now that they actually worked together on a background check bill.

Sorry to vent but I will now get off of my soapbox and wait for the black helicopters to come get me. AG

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i've always really supported the guy because i felt he honored the office and did what he really felt was right. i can't abide by this. it is just wrong to take criminals and make em citizens. and every one of em were criminals the instant they crossed the border. they say they can't round em all up and send em home. they don't have to. inforce the laws that make it illegal to give em a job and prosecute the guys hiring em and when the work dries up, they'll go home. the whole thing is like a vacuum cleaner with a dead fish in it. it sucks and it stinks. Lark.

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I agree that this is nothing but bad. Congress in general has figured out over the years that the way they can make the public swallow bad medicine is tho package it all up and put a sweet piece of candy on top of it. Looking at the bill lowlights, they opted for a turd instead of candy as topping.


Simple solution is what Lark said, After they vote to approve and fund a bill to CLOSE the BORDERS! Fix the Leak, then Fix the system.

Personally I think the enforcement of current laws is all the enforcement needed but Bush (I voted for him too) wants to push this piece of Spit anyway.


I also wrote my reps and let them know if they vote for illegal immigration enhancements in this bill, I will work to vote them out.


Bush and our senators and reps have let us all down. Vote them all out is probably a good thing at this point.

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It's simple Supply and Demand.


We Americans Demand things cheap, and as long as we want this way of life Mexico will Supply the workers.


I think it's a better solution than alot of others that have been presented. A fence isn't gonna stop a soul, and completely closing the borders is a rediculous suggestion.


There is no way we are gonna send the ones that are already here home. They are here generating revenue and not paying taxes on their earned monies. Least this way we will know who they are and get some tax money out of them.


America is a country founded on immagrants, illegal or not, they come here to better their lives just as many of our Ancestors once did.

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I really have no issue with the immigrants who are here LEGALLY, if they do it right and are productive then more power to them. But to grant amnesty to all the ILLEGALS that are here? What kind of message does that send to Mexico, remember the monies sent back to Mexico from here are a large part of their gross domestic product! No wonder the Mexican government does not do anything to stop it. How nice for them that they come over here and deplete our health care monies and wear out the border patrol. Honestly, I think that we should not be obligated to treat them for their injuries and etc. Send them packing and let them be a burden to their own crappy government. I hate the fact that my tax dollar goes to support some illegal who got heat stroke crossing the desert or who broke his ankle running from the border patrol. I say dump them over the fence and leave them or better yet have one big massive convoy full of illegals and dump them in the heart of Mexico city and say here are your people take care of them, fix their problems in your own hospitals, see how hey react when they deal with what we deal with!!! AG Oh and don't even get me started on NAFTA!! :lol: :blink:

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the problem is is that they don't acclimate to the u.s. they come here and don't educate themselves or learn english to better themselves.they come here do meniel jobs and live the way they lived in mexico here.they depress wages and bring the standard of living down.if you give them amnesty you'll have every tom,dick and harry jumpin the fence to get in before they close it.your gonna have employers salivating at the opportunity to get rid of higher payed workers that are here and replace them with somebody that will do the job for half the cost. you should talk to shane about this little bear. he'll open your eyes to whats really going on.

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I have to disagree with the overall tone of this discussion. I dont think it is right to drop this problem in the lap of W, as this problem has been around a long time, but I will agree that this proposed legislation is not the answer. I think we should all be careful talking about "them" and "they", as if immigrants are from some foreign planet. I agree with you littlebear, we are all descendants of immigrants, I know that some of my family came through ellis island a long time ago, not sure whether or not that would make them illegal or not..... We need to remember that in our own Declaration of Independance, Jefferson wrote


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."


I believe God gives us all unalienable rights, and I cant accept that for myself and deny it for someone else...it's either true or not.


Anyway, I totally agree that we have a security problem in our country, and we need to address the issue. I also know I dont know the answer. I just hope that as a nation we dont lose sight of our history, or the fact we are all created by God, and will have to own up to our actions some day.


Hope I didnt offend anyone.



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To compare the immigration wave of today vs that of yesteryear is probably not appropriate. The days of Ellis island and etc are long gone and those immigrants were all legal and yes they came here for a better life and for the most part added to the great melting pot that is our country. Now I am a God fearing soul as well, but my problem is that what they are doing is ILLEGAL, I dont think any of us would really have a problem with them if they would do it the right way and take steps to become contributing members of society. If you ask anyone who has immigrated here and done it correctly about their opinion on this issue it is usually the same as ours. I have a father who still has a green card and has completely acclimated himself to the US and is a productive member of society and he had to work to make it so, He did it legally and this is what helped him to make the effort to live the American dream. Frankly the illegals dont have that attitude because if they did they would immigrate the right way!!! AG

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The vast majority of Americans believe the ILLEGALs should be thrown out. If it means hardships, here, or for those sent back to their country of origin, SO BE IT. Liberals always compare the problem and solutions to how it will make someone "feel" or who it will "offend".


Tough crap is what I say. I don't get a free pass on lawbreaking, free medical and welafare, free education for my kids, and protection from future lawbreaking such as traffic violations like these Illegals do. Mexico is the biggest offender because it's economy is corrpt and it sucks.

Bush has let the country down on Illegal immigration. He covers the problem as do other politicians by calling it Immigration reform. Well Immigration is fine, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is the problem. It's a cancer and ignoring it will not make it better.


Those who say they cannot all be rounded up and sent home, How do you think they are going to be able to give out 20 million Z Visas. Or manage a program that says illegals on work programs need to return to their own country every 2 years and stay out of the US for 1 year. As the first President Bush said "not gonna do it" .


This is bait and switch to Make the law more liberal by ignoring the existing laws.


Put up a fence or watch towers or how about some of those new sonic cannons that blast people with sound. Stop the invasion then review the problems it has already caused.


Another hard part is, the liberals brand anyone who demands action from government on illegal criminal aliens a racist. Learned playing the race card from race pimps like Jesse HiJackson and Al Sharpton. I am 100% for LEGAL immigration and 100% against Illegal immigration from any country.

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For what it is worth, this bill is not solely "W"'s bill. Our own illustrious Senator, John McLame is the driving force. He even teamed up with old buddy Terrible Teddy to bring in on board. It will be the swift end to his Presidential hopes.


W does support it however and therefore needs to be impeached. He is charged with duty of protecting the Constitution of the USA and the country from intruders.


Closing the border is the first thing that needs to be done, then we can decide on what to do with the criminals that are already here. Yes, they are criminals, they have broken the law.


It would not be that hard to cut the illegal traffic by 95% or more. Use the military, the NG, the border patrol, local law enforcement, fences, radar, satellites, etc.


We, as citizens of the State of AZ, passed a proposition to stop state aid to illegals and to force state workers to turn in illegals when they try to apply for it. Our great Governor has refused to enforce it against the will of the people. Hispanics voted for the bill by a vast majority also, so don't bring out the lame "race" excuse.


The ones coming over illegally make it so much harder for the ones wanting to do it the right way.


Rewarding criminal behavior is wrong.

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I just got a letter from McLame soliciting funds and I sent it back in his envelope with the statement that I will never support him again due to his amnesty bullcrap. I figure that if they think they are getting money they might actually open it and read a concerned citizens comments. ;)

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I just got a letter from McLame soliciting funds and I sent it back in his envelope with the statement that I will never support him again due to his amnesty bullcrap. I figure that if they think they are getting money they might actually open it and read a concerned citizens comments. ;)



I do that with almost all the junk mail I get. It's a great Idea especially to get the attention of politicians who want money and support.

The envelope is Great bait, Set the hook, then Wham you gottem.

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