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Solar Charger for trail cams

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I have a Moultrie digital trail cam that I bought at Wally World last year. I like the way it is working but I had question about a solar charger for it. Can anyone tell me what I need to be looking for and how to hook it up, if it is possible? Would one of the small solar chargers from wal-mart work by just hooking the charger cables straight to the 6V battery??



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If you are asking how to hook it up you must have the gamespy 100 as it does not have the external jacks like the Gamespy 200 does.

Below is a link to another thread where we are talking about the charger wires being chewed.

Hopfully someone will have a answer to this problem.

The charging wires on the 200 do not go straight to the battery so there might be a regulator inside the camera so it does not overcharge



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Go to Harbor Freight they have a charger that I use and it works very well it will charge 3,6,9,or 12 volt batteries and is only about $11.00 . just hook the leads from the charger to the battery

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Thanks rimhunter, that is what I was wondering if you could do or not. Which size for the camera's? Probably the smallest one?


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