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Bear baiting in Az

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A friend & I were discussing deer baiting last night & of course the topic of bear baiting came up. I can understand that w/ our low number of bears in Az. that if they allowed baiting there would probably be too many killed & the population would decline. My question is, do you think its better to have otc bear tags w/ no baiting or to have to draw a tag & be allowed to bait? What about issuing few spring bear permits & allowing baiting during that one season?

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I don't think its such a good idea to bait bears in arizona. With bait you can have 100% success if you want. Up in Alberta the outfitters run close to 200%(two bears allowed). I have hunted bears there and here. Here in Arizona I average a bear about every three years and thats fine with me.



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My understanding was that baiting was done away with because one of the board members did not like it and proposed to do away with with it and it passed. ( I have no facts to back this up, just word of mouth) If people keep bringing up deer baiting I am sure a similar thing will happen and hunter will not be able to choose that option anymore. People need to quit discussing this in public forums.

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I'm not to up to par with the bear regs but isn't there a sow harvest limit. Would it realy mater if you baited them, just means that the season would close faster. My main concern with baiting is just getting those bears used to hand outs and if someone is baiting close enough to populated areas you could have problem bears. I for one don't mind the no baiting for bear. We in Az can use the spot and stock method a bit better then those up in the northern woods. :) One pro I like about baiting bears is that you can look them over easier and judge the quality of the bear before you shoot.


That looks like a heck of a bear peloncillo!!

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Guest Ernesto C

I dont think G&F will go to a drawing for bear, I think they have more opportunity ($) the way it is now that if they go to a drawing.


Peloncillo......that's a NICE bear dude, congratulations!


Ernesto C.

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I think they currently have a drawing for spring bear. Or, you could call it summer bear if you are an archer. By ending it July 31st, they really save a lot of bears from being killed by archers. End it before the pears get ripe. It is better to have more bears messing with people and their trash than to harvest one.


The animal is so keen in the wild. Very hard for an archer to harvest one in southern Arizona. Sorry but I wouldn't want to allow baiting. Extending the season to when the pears are ripe and allow opportunity to actually glass a bear you can stalk would be a good thing.

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That is a beast of a bear you got there. What did that thing weigh? Nice job.



I agree, that bear is a P-I-G, PIG! Where did you get that sucker Keven? And was it archery?

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There are other issues with baiting bears like: litter, triginosis ( I'm sure I spelled that wrong), and over-crowding/over harvest in the good areas.

I used to bait bear. There ended up being a lot of competition, bleached baits, fist fights etc, (getting my treestand swiped of a deer lick in Jan reminded me of that) plus there is a strong temptation for some guys to sit on their baits after dark in the moonlight or artificial light.

Lots of problems, besides its more fun to glass 'em up.

Dang Kevin, that really is a handsome bruin!!


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Thanks for the compliments on my bear from last year. I don't know how much he weighed but I'm 265 pounds and he was a lot heavier then me. I shot him with a rifle in a steep nasty canyon in unit 27. I tried to talk myself out of shooting him because I was a long ways back in there but when he stood up and rubbed his back on a tree I saw he was very tall. His skull only measured 20 1/8 inches though.

Keven Keime

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I shot one back in high school when baiting was legal in Arizona.He scored 20 10/16 after boiling the crap out of him.I did not know about the beatles at ASU.or soaking him in a bucket for a few weeks.The boone and crockett scorer said it probally would have been at least 21.My mistake.Baiting is a whole lot of work,but very effective.I do not think I would want to shoot another bear in Arizona unless it was spot and stalk with a bow,or call one in and shoot him with a bow.

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