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One week's growth

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Exactly one week ago


This Morning.


So, I am just learning about the antler growth as far as with this much detail. So, my question is, does this deer have potential? How much longer will it grow at this rate?

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That is pretty neat. I can totally tell the grass got some rain. Jk. Cool to see it branch out. Idk if it's the picture or does he have a kicker or some trash on the left antler?

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Will it add any more width from this point?

I don't think width will get much more at this point. I think you will see an increase in tine length. It appears to me to be a younger deer.

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Will it add any more width from this point?

I don't think width will get much more at this point. I think you will see an increase in tine length. It appears to me to be a younger deer.


That's sorta what I was figuring. Young deer, Other deer I have seen this year grew very wide before the beam arched upward, so I guess the width is determined fairly early in the growth cycle. Makes sense.

I don't have a deer tag this year, but if he survives till next year, might get interesting.

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Turkey foot buck, way cool!

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does this deer have potential?

No this deer is poverty.....




Tell me you're kidding that thing is insane



Edit: @longshooter @mathews do you have potential

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Young deer but full of potential. Hard to pass him up because the next guy who sees him won't.

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That's cool hopefully he keeps coming by your camera so you can see what he looks like finished

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update. Despite the date on cam, this pic is from this morning as i showed up at this camera 20 minutes after this pic. Notice he is shedding his summer coat. I saw some older bucks today that were already all gray.


The last two pics are from yesterday morning including a close up of the turkey foot. He survived the onslaught of the first couple weeks of archery season.

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