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Cecil the Lion

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99.9% of these lefty liberals crying about a lion they knew nothing about until earlier this week are the same people who would not give their coat to a freezing homeless man on the street....Go figure. Did the hunter use bad ethics ? probably, but thats about it.

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Hi Lark: There is a U.S.-based well-financed and well-organized campaign to end lion and elephant hunting in Africa, especially by Americans, and its leaders were handed a freebie when the landholder and professional hunter conducted what appears to be an illegal hunt. Whether the dentist knew there was no lion on quota in that area still is unknown. The accuratereloading.com site has multiple threads about this controversy, and several knowledgeable Zimbabweans have been speaking up. They are saying it is not illegal to shoot a collared lion in Zimbabwe, nor is it illegal to drag baits outside a national park to lure an animal out so that it can be hunted. At least one has said few people in Zimbabwe had heard of the so-called "beloved" lion named "Cecil" until the controversy erupted. Despite what you've read or have seen on nature-faker "documentaries," there still are wild lions in Africa, and they can be legally hunted in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, Uganda, Burkino Faso and other countries. Where I shot my lion in Zambia in 1992 still has plenty of wild lions and it still is legal to hunt them. "Them days" are not gone. They have just gotten prohibitively expensive. The trophy fee for my first buffalo was less than $500 thirty years ago. The trophy fee for my lion was about the same. Today, the trophy fee for a buffalo is $10,000 to $15,000; a lion will cost $30,000 to $50,000, depending upon where you hunt them The odds are very good that your friends hunted South Africa, where some game farmers are raising lions for canned "hunts." South Africa is a lot like Texas. Virtually all wild animals found on private land are inside high-fenced enclosures of varying acreages. Such fences allow a landowner to acquire ownership of all of the animals behind his wire. Some farmers offer hunts on their own land, others raise game for sale to others. I've been told there are places where free-ranging game may be hunted in South Africa, but in nearly two dozen trips down there between 1983 and 2002, I never saw one. Namibia has some high-wire hunting, but most of its game still is free-ranging. There also are a couple of game farms in Zambia and Zimbabwe, but they are not the norm. The majority of southern and central Africa still has wild game inside and outside of national parks. Like you, I am disturbed that our national media are ranting about what appears to be the poaching of one lion while ignoring widespread poaching syndicates operated by corrupt African officials and all but ignoring more important stories, such as trafficking in fetal parts, Hillary's wrongdoings, etc. Bill Quimby

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Can Jimmy Kimmel turn in his man card ...crying over a cat, but can't muster any tears for a beautiful woman slain in the prime of her life by an illegal alien and whose last words on this earth were"help me Daddy"...what a sick insane world we live in. I can only pray I've taught my children well enough to navigate the insanity.

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Can Jimmy Kimmel turn in his man card ...crying over a cat, but can't muster any tears for a beautiful woman slain in the prime of her life by an illegal alien and whose last words on this earth were"help me Daddy"...what a sick insane world we live in. I can only pray I've taught my children well enough to navigate the insanity.



Maybe he should move in with Bruce Jenner

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Guest wdenike




Trumps kid. Although old news. Do ya think the window lickers will go on the attack again???? Dono, but I am dam sure we don't want to offend them!! LMAO



Take care, Willie

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Sorry I didn't read thru all of the comments. I swear the image I saw showed a compound bow and not a crossbow. Did anyone else see this?


He and his guide made a bad choice to kill a local "pet."

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looks like a compound to me too. bill, i mentioned your name because i figgerd you'd have more experience with this stuff than anyone. i bet he wishes he'd o' stayed home puttin' in fillings instead of spending a buncha money trying to show off. if he woulda donated all that money to a good charity he'd be money ahead. doesn't matter if he's as pure and innocent as the driven snow, this is gonna cost him more than he can afford. sounds like his business is dead. big picture fellers, always look at the big picture. whenever joe blow gets busted for a wildlife crime, nobody ever hears about it. they're annonymous folks like the rest of us. when some rich guy gets busted, this is what happens. and we all get drug in the mud with em. glad i ain't in his shoes. Lark.

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you guys like ted nugent? im lmfao @ his comments this morning on FB. "Cecil, the other white meat." im crying lol. and then the one hunting pigs and calling it cecil the porker. anything i kill this year is named cecil

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From what I understand the pictures circulating is of a previous lion Kill ... supposedly It is is a Palmer official that has stated a crossbow was used .. lark is right about us all getting drug through the Mud and liberals choose to ignore how majority of big game hunts fuel the conservation programs and economies of many African regions.


This is a bit strange for me , since my daughter and sister (both shoot, hunt and fish) are in SA right now and yesterday were walking lions.

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Rumor has it that in the weeks prior to Cecil's untimely death, he ran down a pregnant gazelle, crippled it's hind legs, ripped into her belly, and then ate her fetus while she was still alive and bleating. Cecil subsequently claimed he was doing research for Planned Parenthood.

In other news, Iran now has a green light to develop nuclear weapons, the Chinese are training to invade Taiwan, the American military has been decimated, the American government has refused to defend the country's borders, the president has been quietly sending thousands of more troops back into Iraq, Kuwait and the Ukraine, war still rages in Afghanistan, and ISIS continues to shoot innocent people, burn them alive, drown them in cages, and teach seven year old's the ancient Muslim art of beheading with dull knives.

Coming up: How to handle the abject horror and psychological trauma of accidentally encountering a Confederate Battle flag, a Nativity scene, a gun show, or a public display of the Ten Commandments...

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murfys69law: I love it!


The awful part of this controversy is that if a certain powerful group has its way (and it is highly likely that it will), it will be illegal to import trophies taken legally in Africa and elsewhere into the United States, Canada, Australia, and any European Union country.


When this happens, you can kiss goodbye all wildlife now found outside of the national parks in Africa. As one knowledgeable African author has said, "In Africa, animals must sing for their supper." Without the revenue from hunting by foreigners, local citizens will exterminate man-eaters while snaring and eating everything else that moves.


Bill Quimby

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