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Iran Deal

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I have some Iranian friends that are fantastic people, so this is nothing against them. One jumps from planes, loves Israelis (defeats the incorrect stereotype), and another is a brilliant programmer. They're awesome and they love America.


But why are we signing onto a deal with a leadership that hates Americans?



I'm not a big fan of Obama, but enough said, he's President of the U.S. and dumb to sign onto this deal.


Let's not forget the Iran Hostage crisis, Marines & Beirut, Hezbollah, the list goes on. This government killed and wants to kill plenty of our American people and Israelis who have already been at the hand of the Holocaust and has no shame in mentioning their hate for either.


I'm with others that say we need to restore America to Greatness.


And yes, you can ask why are we having this discussion here and let me have it (in other words lighten up in your response and take a chill pill, this is simply a discussion). LOL. But remember, this is the campfire, pull up a seat, if you drink grab a beer, and voice your mind. No discussion barred.


This is the dumbest thing ever, we shouldn't cater to the government of Iran, and we should reject this deal outright. Get someone in office that knows what they are doing and quit trying to take our country into an abyss by making dumb deals like this when there are much more important things we need to focus on.


I don't care if you are Democrat or Republican, call your Congressman and tell him to reject this deal. It's ridiculous and I can't even believe it got to the table We've got alot of work to restore this country to greatness so let's start now. If trying to make a deal with Iran doesn't tell us that, I don't know what does.

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Like I said before obama is the anti Christ. That's why this is happening.

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And then there's the fact that John Kerry's daughter married an Iranian guy who's best mans father is a member of the Iranian government. Nothing to see here, move along.

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Oh, and this work more hours junk is a bunch of junk, for all Americans. For some it's good they can further their small or bigger business. Maybe it is good for all of us economy wise, but it sure doesn't help us to keep tabs on what's going on in the world and/or our country when we are busy making stuff happen at the office. Ie., wag the dag


For the general public, the more hours we work, the more of a distraction it is of what's going on in the world and what we need to be concerned our kids our growing up with. If we are working all the time it's hard to keep track of that stuff for our kids and their future.

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It depends on if you believe what you read, I do and Armageddon ain't happening with those rag heads throwing rocks.

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2 good take-aways from this.


#1 Congress will squash it (I hope)

#2 It shows president obama's true alliance. (Lower case intentional)

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I have a brother who is a retired Full Bird Army Col. We talk a lot about what's happening. He helped teach battle commands to Israeli elite guards and many other of our allies and has been in every conflict since Operation Desert Storm. He is one of the smartest military people I know and he has told me this is without a doubt the worst deal our gooberment could propose. Having kerry go for the USA and negotiate a deal like this is like letting the fox guard the hen house. If we had a true American for a president instead of some castrated muslim sissy, we would not be in this problem as well as the other hundreds he has put this country in. Donald Trump, like him or not, has brought something to the table when he says that we need to make this country great again, secure our borders, and have a no BS attitude with these terrorists. We won't do this with Killary, Sanders, Chaffee, or any of these career politicians. I say D. Trump 2016. It dam sure can't be worse than what we have now. A muslim sissy that thinks only of his self, hates America, and won't stand up for his military.

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Iran should have been dealt with decades ago.


This so called deal allows Iran to gather its own samples for testing? And we are also supposed to defend their sights from attack and sabotage?


Obamster thinks this deal is his legacy?

We're laughing at it now, it'll be hysterical in the future.


Until we get a president with some wawos, I'll keep chuckling at these third world clowns training films and marching in Nike knock offs.

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According to Obama the Iranians can be trusted with a nuke but I can't be trusted with s 30 round magazine.

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