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Operation Desert Storm

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1991 Operation Desert Storm - King Fahd Airport Saudi Arabia

Patriot Missile Battalion E2-7 Fort Bliss.


That place SUCKED.




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Thanks for your service!! Had an uncle that served and he has never been the same!! Can barely walk and talk now.

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I wasn't there till jan 94 and it all stil sucked! and physically I have never been the same. 1 auto imune disorder after another followed by surgery after surgery.. thanks for serving!

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I loved Operation Desert Storm! My nephew was a Marine who experienced it all in a Hum-V detail. I was in college at the time taking a DNA recombination lab when we first opened up and began dropping bombs and shooting missles. It came across on the radio during class and I was the only one in a class of 15 college students who stood up and cheered. I wanted to make sure my nephew received support and respect for his service, unlike what my uncle received upon returning from Viet Nam. God bless those who serve!

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I didn't know they had gun shows over there. Total respect for your service buddy.

They do, but they're all Kalashnikov's


Thank you for your service. Was very proud to be an American, while watching the Patriot batteries taking out Sadams Scuds.

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I was sitting in a Restaurant called Prescott Charlie's next to the Prescottion Motel when it started happening. I was waiting for the Guard unit I was in to get called up. Didn't happen two batallions of Field Artillery one was so bad at least on paper that it was disbanded. Thanks to all who served. Upon reflection as our cousins the Brits say You Americans know how to fight and win a war, but don't know what to do after ward. Who other than us would kick the heck out of a corrupt leader leave him in charge, then go back 10 years later and do it again?

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God Bless each and every man and woman who put on the uniform in defense of our great nation! Thanks!

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Thanks for serving. To bad anybody has to go there. Hope all that do go recover and come back safe. You guys that are back thanks a million and hope life works out well for all. Hope this Goverment gets the backbone to help all Vets that need help .God Bless all of You.............BOB!

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