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The funniest thing about that whole incident is that the agent filmed it all with his own camera! It happened outside of Tucson. Haha!

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That has to be the funnyest thing I've seen in a long time


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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:huh: :o :blink: :lol: :lol: :lol: <_< :rolleyes: I counted at least 13 IA's and 2 BP's running around!

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Pretty good example of the confusion that can be created in a simple traffic stop.

Don't know bout you guys but I counted 12 runners, plus maybe 2 more left on the van to take the fall.


Gotta believe the real count in the US now is more like 20 million Plus, not 11-12 million the government says.

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Reminded me of the fire-truck at the circus w/ all the clowns pouring out of it. How the heck do they fit some many in one vehicle? Hope nobody ate beans before the trip. :rolleyes:

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haha :lol: thats hilarious! reminds of a joke I was told....


"Did you hear about the two car pile up in mexico?..................................It killed thousands of people" :blink:

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:blink: :blink: :blink: That sucks. Hope they rounded them all up like cattle. SEND THEM HOME, SEND THEM ALL HOME. Period end of conversation.

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