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Best binos for around $1000

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Swarovski, Leica or Zeiss. IMO it would be ridiculous to go with vortex over any of those..... Glass simply does not measure up.


Someone is rich! Haha I disagree. I have compared my Razor HD's to both Swaro's and Zeiss's and BARELY saw a difference. Neither did the 3 other people I was hunting with and the guy who owned the Swaros was pissed when he realized how much more he paid. All three of those are great glass, but so are the Razor HD's (and the Vipers) at a significantly lower price.

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I agree with you jp0212. I owned the razor HDs 10x50. I also owned the viper HDs 10x50 and as far as most bang for your buck I like the viper line. Warranty is best in the biz. I use Swarovski now and yes they are the best IMO but like I said before there are good binos out there for around $1000

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I guess what I meant was all glass that has been listed are excellent but 10 years from now my swaros will still be able to sell for over a $k, vortex and other brands 10 years from won't carry that kind of re-sale value. We all have different opinions and we all choose glass or any product for that matter to what suits us best.

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Coatings on the vortex deteriorate after a couple years when the big 3 don't. And just the "slightest" difference makes a big difference when finding bedded bulls and bucks in the shade. Also 90% of the people that compare vortex and swaros that I've talked to do it during midday which most binos aren't going look too bad. But compare them on a cloudy day, sundown, or sun up and you'll notice a big difference.

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To anybody following this post I found my buddy a used pair of Swarovski 10x42 ELs (2009) for $1400. Told him to jump on the deal when I came across it

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Coatings on the vortex deteriorate after a couple years when the big 3 don't. And just the "slightest" difference makes a big difference when finding bedded bulls and bucks in the shade. Also 90% of the people that compare vortex and swaros that I've talked to do it during midday which most binos aren't going look too bad. But compare them on a cloudy day, sundown, or sun up and you'll notice a big difference.


The comparison I mentioned was done at sun up, not at midday. I also have Vortex glass that is 5 years old and has zero issues.

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People see what they want to see, and usually what they have is just a good as something that's supposed to be better. It's our natural pride. A good friend of mine has some nikon 16x50 $100 binos that he thinks are "barely" less than swaros. When we glass together he lasts about an hour before getting a headache or eyes are tired. I look through them and can see the a huge difference in all aspects. I'm not here to bring someone down because they don't own swaros or are less of a hunter. Those nikons work for my friend and that's fine. I don't try and tell him he needs to go to swarovski when he doesn't feel the need to, but when someone asks I'll give them my opinion. Also, I owned vortex and they are a good optic. I had some viper hds for about 3 years when a friend bought the same pair. I picked his binos up one day and thought they were clearer and sure enough he could see a difference as well. I called vortex and asked about the problem and they told me the coatings must be breaking down. Of course they replaced my lenses. My point is I only know one person out of many who went back to vortex because he thought the price wasn't worth it. I've read a lot of reviews on optics and I have done many comparisons myself and find the big 3 and even Meopta to be bether than Vortex. Dont get me wrong they're a good optic but it's just the difference between good, better, and best.

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I'm not meaning to dig up an otherwise dead thread here, but I recently went through this same decision and here are my results.... I had the money and my heart was set on a pair of Swaro SLC 10x42's. I figured I would at least look at binos down to the $1K mark before making my purchase. I compared the Razor HD's and Conquest HD's, both in 10x42 with the Swaros. The Swaros were better no doubt, but not by much at all... I figured I could get the Razors or Conquests and have money left over for other gear I've been wanting, so it came down to those two. The Conquests completely blew the Razors out of the water in all aspects, but it was most apparent in low light. To be honest, there really was no real competition! I then went back to the Conquest vs. SLC and the only real difference optically I could note was a bit better CA control and depth of field with the SLC. They were both bright, super sharp, had the same edge clarity, and what appeared to be true color rendition. The SLC was heavier, which gave it the appearance of better build quality, and I like the locking diopter on the SLC. Those differences to me don't justify an $800 price increase. I think the Conquest HD line is the best thing going without getting into the true alpha class glass...

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