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Anyone seen this bull? 436" velvet

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I believe the hunter was Philip Barrett, V.P. Finance for Chick-fil-A (also national board member of RMEF). Everything I've read about him points to an individual of great character ...

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Nothing against the hunter or the guide....but does it not seem right that such a magnificent animal comes to its end to the $$$$? Meh, I must just be a jealous hater. FLAME ON

If you really think about it... How could this bull come to a better end?????? Go with me here a second....

1) Hundreds of thousands of dollars raised for wildlife in the state of AZ

2) Out of state Dollars spent in our state over the course of the last Year by Philip... Good for commerce... all the money he spent on hotels, food, guides, etc STAYED in this state.

3) At least 4 of the ONLY guides in this state who were literally hot on the tails of this bull for EACH and EVERY elk hunt for the last 5 years were there when all the stars aligned for Philip. And were able to share the Rich history of the animal and the love/hate relationship they all had with him (for which he was Very interested in).

4) A bull of this magnitude having that tag wrapped around his antlers does nothing but Promote this state and its successes in Elk conservation as well as guarantee that Future conservation dollars keep coming into this state.

5) The real shame would be if All the hunting community DIDN'T get to see and Admire this Amazing specimen of an elk. Giant typicals like this are becoming SO Very Rare.

6) Haters are always gunna HATE... truth is this was a great day for ALL AZ hunters.

7) Having met Philip I can say that I think taking this bull was a truly humbling experience and it could not have happened to a Nicer Hunter.




I believe the hunter was Philip Barrett, V.P. Finance for Chick-fil-A (also national board member of RMEF). Everything I've read about him points to an individual of great character ...


You are very correct....Philip is a great guy!

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Thank you,Coues n sheep,for the positive comment.

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1. True

2. True

3. This wasnt during any elk hunt...it was out of season

4. True

5. Big bulls like this are suppose to be rare. Wouldnt mean as much or bring in as much money if they all grew this big.

6. I'm pretty sure it wasnt a great day for any other hunter that may have been chasing this bull longer then the guides have been.

7. I've never met Philip, but I'm a pretty nice hunter....you just haven't met me...



Go with me here a sec....


I love seeing this bull, but it doesnt make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that money from a chicken mogul...er a nice hunter, literally did nothing more than pull a trigger on a out of season bull. Not only did Philip not post his kill and tell the world how humbled he is, but pimpin A3 can't be easy.

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I can appreciate some of the negative feeling expressed. Over the years I've had mixed feelings about the auction tags, but as time has passed I’ve come to appreciate the value of them. While I hate the idea of wealth individuals being given privileges over premier tags, I don’t feel this is the case with these particular tags. They aren’t done in backroom deals, large numbers of them aren’t offered, and it doesn’t affect the odds of the average Joe drawing a tag as they aren’t pulled from the number of regular draw tags. Sure it typically takes some of the largest animals out of the population before the general draw population ever gets a chance, but the same argument could be made by rifle hunters about archery hunters getting to hunt first. Sure I might not get a shot at that big bull, buck, etc. that was taken by the auction tags, but realistically, I had no shot at it anyhow. I think the biggest factor for me was how much money is raised through these auctions for our wildlife. Between all of the auction tags, I’d estimate around a million dollars a year is raised. How much better is the rest of the wildlife population for the rest of us through the money that is generated?.


Again, congrats to all involved and thanks for letting us be a part of the hunt by osmosis. Hope to hear more about it in the future.

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Man some of you guys sure get your panties in a wad over this topic EVERY year!!!!


Enough with the ah it ain't fair. Rich people suck. Ah poor me I can't buy one.


Last I checked we are 'Merican. You can do and be anything you want. Go make a couple

Million "cause you can" and be THAT guy and quit whining about "fair"

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The way I see it, a well to do hunter just bought US 5 or 6 new, modern water catchments. All this for a bull elk tag. We did good!


I'd tell this gentleman thanks and come on back next year.

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I do not agree often with coues 'n' sheep that often ... but I do agree pretty much on every point he made... If this was Unit 23 he looks like a big 6x typical that we have seen the last couple years ( not going to say where just in case it is not ) ... I am not big a big fan of most guides and that is from personal encounters over the years .. But I do not mind a guy that has the money taking full advantage because as C 'n' S said it brought revenue to our state in many ways... If it is the same guy then several had had cracks at him the last couple years and if not the rest can be assured there is still a huge typical 6x6 running around in 23 somewhere ;) .. So good luck to all that have Tags this year... the bar may have been set high in 2015 but some tag holder always has a shot of topping it , even the resident DIY guys !

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Beautiful bull and congratulations to the hunter and all the resources involved. Having shared that.... I see the bull making 400" possibly but find it hard for this 6x6 to score 436" based on the pictures I've seen. Wonder what the main beam length is? Maybe longer than it appears due to the great mass.

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