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Hula Girl

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So far she has been really good with food on the counters. She understands the word "No" and generally stops whatever she is doing when we say it. So we are pleased about that. She walks OK on a leash, but still pulls at it some. But definitely not a "hooked trout". She hasn't gotten into the garbage either. So far she is pretty polite in the house, but I can just see that is so smart that it will be hard to keep her brain occupied and keep her willing to obey us. I fixed our underground electric fence so that she isn't tempted to jump into the neighbors yard to see their pitbulls (which I think would tear her up). She got zapped this morning and so has learned to stay away from that area. She seems totally obsessed with other dogs. If she sees one she immediately gets hyper and wants to go play with the dog. She seems to play fine with the dogs, but she won't listen to us if she sees a dog. But then again, it's only been two days and she is still very much "puppy". She is certainly trainable, but obviously willful too. We shall see how it all plays out.

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I had NO IDEA what i was getting into when we got her. I learned real quick about her escape ability, and her very anti-leash mentality. She was like a hooked trout, leaping and head shaking every time we went for a "walk". She was a handful and a half but she excelled for what we got her for, companionship and her watchdog abilities. And while I can't say that I miss the ankle nips, I do miss my green-eye lady.




Oh, and PS: she WILL get any and all food left on the counters/tables, in the garbage, and into the refrigerator if given half a chance. 2 dozen eggs, a half stick of elk salami, and a 6er of beer in one refrigerator raid. She also snuck a gallon ziplock full of venison carne con chili verde off the table as I was packing up for a deer hunt. She paid for it though, i make my chili verde HOT, lol.


Sounds like she had good taste. Elk salami, eggs and beer sounds good!


I'm sure everybody paid after she stole the chili verde!

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I had NO IDEA what i was getting into when we got her. I learned real quick about her escape ability, and her very anti-leash mentality. She was like a hooked trout, leaping and head shaking every time we went for a "walk". She was a handful and a half but she excelled for what we got her for, companionship and her watchdog abilities. And while I can't say that I miss the ankle nips, I do miss my green-eye lady.




Oh, and PS: she WILL get any and all food left on the counters/tables, in the garbage, and into the refrigerator if given half a chance. 2 dozen eggs, a half stick of elk salami, and a 6er of beer in one refrigerator raid. She also snuck a gallon ziplock full of venison carne con chili verde off the table as I was packing up for a deer hunt. She paid for it though, i make my chili verde HOT, lol.


Sounds like she had good taste. Elk salami, eggs and beer sounds good!


I'm sure everybody paid after she stole the chili verde!


Not me! Thankfully, I was on the hill, chasing the Grey Ghost. From what i heard upon my return, lots of whimpering in the back yard and the pooper scooper got used a bunch, lol.

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Wow great looking pup Amanda!

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Wikipedia has an interesting description and history of the breed. From what it says, it sounds like you have the perfect dog for a hunting family who can spend some time with it.


Bill Quimby

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Awesome! Your family has grown by 1 now and it's great to see things work out for both of you. They say…and it's been my experience…that we don't find these dogs. They find us. Looking forward to hearing how she develops into the outdoors. Very happy for you and Paul and "Hula Girl"!

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I'm so happy for ya Amanda. I use to raise hulas. The last one I had was named Gator from Louisiana and he weighed about 100 pounds. Great hunting and watch dogs.

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Great looking pooch and great name. Congrats

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