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Maybe they have access to hunt the same property? Is the property and pond on roads that are locked from all sides? Illegals spotted them during a rest stop? Property owner didn't know they were yours? Gotta be committed to walk a mile to steal a camera, unless they trespassed on marked private land and didn't want to be seen? Bad deal however it went down.

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That sucks, especially on private property. I'm betting it's trespassers not wanting to be seen. So many trespassers and poachers out there.

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Plain sucks people like to take what others work hard for.


I don't use trail cameras anymore and theft is one of my main reasons. Just not worth it for me.

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They lost the ability to look in the mirror and see a stand up person, from now on all they will see is a thief. I can't see how that will ever be worth a couple of trail cams.


jmall, I see your point you are trying to make, but these azzholes would have to have a conscience or morals to feel bad looking in a mirror. They see nothing and feel nothing. Dam shame too.
deep down they know what they are!

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I honestly believe 50% of the population including the hunting population are retards, no common since, no courytesy, and a quarter of them have no morals and are thieves. I've come across a lot of slack jock yokels that just give us hunters bad names. From the field and the archery and shooting range I've seen them. I know it's prejudging but usually within a few minutes being close to these people you know that's the type of person that stealing your cameras. But on the bright side I've met more great people out in the hunting Fields and shooting ranges that are stand up people and loving parents. Sorry about the camera.

But on a funny note I've never ran across a camera yet and I just can't wait, because when that person looks through his pictures they are going to see a bright white butt!!! So if you guys get that from cameras in the future that's a courtesy from Zeke BE!,!!!!! :)

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i always wire up a live grenade to mine. yeah, you lose the camera, but they don't get it. then you set up a camera on the "bait" that's left and take photos of the bears. Lark/

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Private property? Like a ranch?

Yes, with locked gates.


Maybe they have access to hunt the same property? Is the property and pond on roads that are locked from all sides? Illegals spotted them during a rest stop? Property owner didn't know they were yours? Gotta be committed to walk a mile to steal a camera, unless they trespassed on marked private land and didn't want to be seen? Bad deal however it went down.

Access is run through my father, he knows everyone that has access and they hardly go in if they do at all. We are considering it a lost cause. Anybody who would have gone in wouldn't have walked around the pond anyways. Too far north for illegals. If they didn't want to be seen in private property, then they could have taken the SD cards, but that might be hard for them to think of if they never use trialcams.

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I lost my first trail camera this year also. Also lost a data card to a local guide that was "upgrade hunting" a few years back but I couldn't prove it for sure, even though they basically admitted their guilt when confronted. My cameras are always in remote areas but never on a pond. Hunter ethics has really gone south the last 10 years.......but you've heard my rant before! Sorry for your loss. Unfortunately I know from experience how frustrating it is.

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By any Chance is this ranch with locked gates in any of the 36 units?

No sir


I am in complete SHOCK that someone would hang a trail camera on a water hole...

Thanks bud


Did not know there was a too far NORTH for illegals :huh:

You'd think once they get to Tucson they can get a ride elsewhere and don't have to walk any further north.

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