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any webpage builders on here?

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I need a website built for my hobby business I run. I dont know anything about doing this type of thing and frankly dont want to develop a new skill. If someone on here is good at it or has a computer savy acquaintence that can help me out, please pm so we can swap info and talk about an agreeable fee. Thanks.

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These are free options too: http://www.weebly.com/ and https://wordpress.org/ You can buy a domain and build a website from GoDaddy too, but their user interface leaves a lot to be desired.


I manage large scale web builds for a living; take Str8Shot's advice and spend a few hours for a few nights and build yourself something basic. You will want to make changes to the site here and there and you won't want to have to pay someone or wait for them every time you need an update.

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I appreciate the advice, but ive had building one myself on my to do list for about 2 years now. At this point its worth paying someone a reasonably fee to have a good job done and get it over with. I generate a lot more by working those extra hours than what this will cost.

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A former student of mine, who will be going to MIT in September, does webpages. She is a great kid and very reasonable. She can use the money for college - MIT is not cheap! She is smart, but not so smart that you can't have a normal conversation with her. She did alot of webpage stuff for our school.


Her name is Nina and here is her website with information. If you contact her, tell her you got her name from her high school counselor........ nerdlynet.com and can be reached there or at nerdlynet1@gmail.com.

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I sent you a PM with info for a friend of mine that is amazing. If you didn't get let me know and I will resend it.

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I sent you a PM with info for a friend of mine that is amazing. If you didn't get let me know and I will resend it.

I did get it. thanks for the recommendation. Im up in flagstaff this weekend witht the wife and kids but planned to get in touch with the couple of people whod been recommended when I get home. I appreciate the references.

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