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Capt. Don Martin

Lake Mead Striper trips: July 11 and July 12 2015

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Since the monsoon has backed off, the striper and cat fishing on Lake Mead at South Cove has got better!


Fished with Kingman residents Dave Watson and his father Jesse Maynard who took advantage of a cancellation trip.


We had just two anglers, so my intern Laura Borden came along and fished with us.


We had a GREAT time and caught a lot of fish.




Board tells the story! Heck of a good night of fishing on Lake Mead!




Jesse Maynard took big fish honors!



Dave Watson caught several good size stripers!


My intern, Laura Borden got a real nice channel catfish and a daily double on stripers! This gal can FISH!




Next night fished with the Schupp family from Tempe.


Had Terry, his son David and grandson Justin.post-11017-0-33581300-1437035285_thumb.jpgpost-11017-0-33581300-1437035285_thumb.jpg


Had some fun with these guys!


David got some good fish.



Justin was tired, and wasn't feeling well, so he took a siesta on the boat only an hour into the trip, while Terry hung in there till about 3 a.m.but caught a lot of fish.


They called it at 0345 and we loaded up and came in.


What a view on our way back in!



Despite their short time on the water, we did very well, all things considered!




Got trips starting Friday July 17, plus a trip on Saturday. Then got trips Monday and Tuesday!


Still got some openings for those who want to take advantage of some great Lake Mead striper and cat fishing!


Got open dates of July 23 or 24th, or 29th or 30th.


In June alone we caught 1,373 fish, and looks like we'll do close to that in July!


Now is the time to take your kids fishing--remember for the rest of the summer, kids under 18 (up to two) are gonna fish for FREE!


Good luck and good fishing!


Capt. Don Martin

Striper Hunters


P.S. I have donated several organizations who are having banquets. They include the San Tan Chapter of the Mule Deer Foundation, the Kingman Chapter of the Mule Deer Foundation and the Rocky Mountain Elk Elk Foundation in Tucson. Go bid on these trips and support all of the conservation groups who are fighting to keep wildlife on the landscape!




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As we know most of these trips are donated to various hunting organizations from Don. Thank you Don for helping all of Arizona wildlife! Looks like many luckily winners are having a blast!

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That's a bunch of fillets!

Hey Mike that's my buddy from work I told you was up fishing with don. They kicked our butts and did it in half the time.

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Holy smokes! Are the strippers extinct by now? haha j/k Congrats!

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That's a bunch of fillets!

Hey Mike that's my buddy from work I told you was up fishing with don. They kicked our butts and did it in half the time.

That is ok cuz frankie and I had a BLAST! :)

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Well I got just one more weekend of striper fishing, then I'll shut down for the summer and start scouting for the upcoming big game hunts.


We had a number of good trips in June and July.


In June, we brought in 1,373 fish.


In July, almost the same number. Best year we've EVER had at Striper Hunters. Had some great anglers this year who caught a lot of fish!



Craig McMullen and his son Nate came up from Flagstaff and fished with us. Craig, who is the Region 2 Supervisor for the Arizona Game & Fish Department, is quite the angler. Craig got the 3rd largest striper of the summer, a lunker that weighed exactly 4 lbs!



Nate McMullen shows his first Lake Mead striper! Nate, who hasn't fished a lot, showed that he is going to be as good a stick as his dad.


In August the full moon really played havoc on the night time trips. We didn't have the huge numbers we had in June or July. Did get into some striper boils one morning and got 34 fish in less than an hour!


Paul DiCerbo and his sons, and a friend came up to fish with us.These guys were something else, and a heck of a lot of fun to fish with!



Paul DiCerbo shows a nice striper.



Val Morgan aka "The Catfish King" with one of the many cats he caught on their trip.



Jack Luffy and his lady friend Ashley fished with us in August. Also fishing were Jay Chan and my intern Laura Borden. We got into some nice striper boils at daylight and got 34 stripers in short order!



Ashley caught several nice stripers, including this one!



Laura Borden caught this Yellow Cat. We ended up with three that night.



I got lucky and caught my 2nd largest cat of the summer about 2:30 a.m. This guy weighed 4 lbs. 11 oz. My personal best this summer weighed 5 lbs 6 oz. Laura got the largest cat of the year, a lunker that weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz.


I am also a big game guide and I've some antelope/elk hunts to get ready for. Also looking to guide on an archery deer in 13A or 13B.


I've got sheep hunters, but could do a early and late Kaibab deer hunt too.


Give me a call at 928-303-9481 and I guarantee you I'll do your hunt a whole less than others will while at the same time offering a top notch hunt! Give me a call and let's go HUNTING!


Don Martin

Striper hunters and Arizona Wildlife Outfitters


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