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recommendations for ground blind and trail cam

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just like the topic says...what do you guys recommend for a good ground blind and trail cam? Looking for best value/functionality...not interested in most expensive but if i need to spend money for function i will.





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I use a ghillie suit and a 4'x12' piece of camo burlap, can trim out a bush or tree, make a flat spot for the chair and string the burlap in front, works good and I don't have to worry about someone stealing it

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Do you have a picture of that azslim? I would love to see your concept

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Honestly you can't beat the Browning trail cams in bang for your buck. I did a ton of research before deciding on mine. Work great and they aren't crazy expensive.

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Without a doubt, the best ground blind for the money is the Primos The Club XL blind. Can get them on Ebay with free shipping for $100-$120. You can comfortably fit two adults in it, and has many options for windows, screens, etc. Super easy to pop up and down, and weighs about 20 lbs. Between me and my buddy we have 3, and they have not let us down. I would say if you have the bucks get the double bull, but if not this is a very good option. Good luck!!

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I'm no expert on ground blinds but as of lately I have killed my share of critters from them. I owned 7 at one time but have since donated a few to banquets. Here is my take on them. They run from expensive, several hundred dollars, to cheap $50. You usually get what you pay for but I'm not a fan of the expensive double bull 360 because of all the moving parts and their hub rods break easily. The more moving parts you have the more chances of things breaking. I own the 2 original double bull blinds and the material has kept up for many years and they are a piece of cake to put up and take down. I own a Ameristep brick house that runs around $130 that is big enough for 2 people. Ameristep also carry the Dog house for around $69 and the Care Taker for around $100. I suggest getting one with at least 70"plus wide x 66"plus tall so 2 people can share. This way you can stretch out and sleep in it when you get tired. I buy the moving ground cloths from Harbor Freight for the ground to keep the dust and noise down. Your choice of camo has to do with your terrain you will be hunting in. I've used many different chairs but for all day use go with one you can sleep in without falling out of. Just make sure they don't make noise. If I had to buy right now with little money I would go with the Ameristep Brick House. I'm sure there might be better for the money but I haven't seen them.


As for trail cams I will leave that open to those who know a little more than me on these. I bought mine from this site and have had no issues to speak of. Hope this helped some. :)



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I use a ghillie suit and a 4'x12' piece of camo burlap, can trim out a bush or tree, make a flat spot for the chair and string the burlap in front, works good and I don't have to worry about someone stealing it

do you have issues with wind/scent control?

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Here is the latest blinds that I like to use.




One more tip when looking at blinds, when archery hunting make sure the Windows go low enough to shoot out of. Your sight window may look like it clears but remember your arrow is lower than your sight. Nothing worse than hitting the bottom of the window opening.



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if I sit water I wear Scent-Lok, if spot & stalk I just play the wind


you'll hear various stories about Scent-Lok gear, depends on what you do in it. I leave mine in a bag until I am ready to put in on, and take it off as soon as I get back to the truck. If you are wearing it in the cafe, gassing up your truck and smoking on your way to your blind it's not so good. It works for me when I'm sitting water and have no control over the direction of the game or the wind.

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That bell bottom blind looks cool. Might give you a little more room to lay down. I think the double bull blinds are worth the extra money, they are much better quality and I prefer their material. The cheap blinds are more plasticy, especially the inner black coating. I can smell the plastic when its hot, so I know the animals can too. I've had mine over 5 years so they pay for themselves. Just can't leave it at a waterhole like a cheap one.

I've set them up and taken deer an hour later. I've taken coues, muleys, elk, turkey and javelina out of my 5 yr old double bull. I may have to get a new window net before too much longer.

For game cams, one word, covert. Again you get what you pay for. Good luck.

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oops, wrong thread.

Anyways, I have a Browning Phantom X blind and I love it. As far as trail cameras go, I have a few different kinds and it seems to me that they all have their strengths and weaknesses.

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