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My sheds and Pickups

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I decided to document my finds from over the years and thought I'd share them with you all. I've found others but these are the ones I've kept or haven't tried staining. Here is what I have, minus my elk pickup, few javies, and the ones shot.


These are the ones strickly from AZ, the rest I found in Utah.


I have found quit a few of these javies over the years but this is the only one I've found noteworthy. I showed it to a biologist and he aged it to be about 14 years old. Some of its molars where completly gone. Its tusks are pretty nice and one got brocken a little ways before it died. Never had it scored.


These next two are my "freaks". Not to freaky but all I have. The deer has the growth as you can see and the antelope I took off a doe that was killed by eagles. You can see that a previous horn did not come off before the next one started growing.



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Thanks for sharing. Really enjoyed that coues skull in the left-hand corner of the first picture. I am sure you were a happy hunter when you found that one.

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Tell us more about that antelope please!!


He looks really big.

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Tell us more about that antelope please!!


He looks really big.


He is a decent antelope but I don't think he is hudge.

While working up in Utah I would see hundereds of anetolpe a day and I would run accross their sheds all the time but I never ran across a head. Finally after months of work I ran accross this one. One horn had come off but was near by and the other one was still on the skull. I found it, along a fence so I would assume that the fence is what killed it. Who knows though. My dog got a hold of it and chewed a bit of the dagger off on one side thoug. It has good curl and good daggers, well it did, overall a good representive antelope.

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Thanks for sharing! You have a pretty good start on a nice collection. Keep them eyes open. TJ

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