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Sinking feeling....Monday hits only thread!

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Have that sinking feeling. Thinking it's over save for the last few who are going to be the recipients of CC hits due to cards being declined with other hunters. Doesn't seem like as many are posting up about CC hits this year and was hoping for another rash of "I got hit!" posts today, but doesn't seem to be happening.


If you have a CC hit today, post it up and give those of us looking at BP soup again a little hope!

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Is there anyways they got all of them charged on Friday? I thought we had 2-3 days of charging then a while after that a few hits would trickle in from rejected cards. Hope we still have a chance but not looking good.

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Good deal Adam, makes up for last year.


Not sure who got the tag. It could be me, my wife or my brother in law. I put all of us in for late dec tags 1st & 2nd choice. Can't wait to find out.

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I keep waiting to see 602.942.3000 on my caller id. It just doesn't want to happen though.


I put in for a unit that for the last 4 years 4 points was 100% success for draw rate. Typical that this year it changes!

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I called my Credit card company Friday evening and they told me I had a pending charge from Game and Fish but it never posted to my account until this morning. Its possible if people did get hit today they may not know until the next or following business day unless they call and ask. Since mine was hit Friday afternoon I had to wait the weekend until it finally showed on the account. Just trying to give you guys hope.

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i got hit this morning. wife made beans and fry bread last night. blew the covers off the bed this morning. she hit me. happens all the time. Lark.

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Good deal Adam, makes up for last year.


Not sure who got the tag. It could be me, my wife or my brother in law. I put all of us in for late dec tags 1st & 2nd choice. Can't wait to find out.



I am hoping for an early MD or Dec WT.

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So if everything went extremely smooth and they were done running cards by Saturday, they had Monday and Tuesday to make declined card calls and Wednesday to redraw for those that didn't update their card within the 2 day time frame then what's the chance we'll have results by this Friday?


A long shot I would imagine but here's to dreaming.


Doesn't really matter to me. I'm sure they overlooked my 1st choice late December tag and gave me the October hunt again.

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So if everything went extremely smooth and they were done running cards by Saturday, they had Monday and Tuesday to make declined card calls and Wednesday to redraw for those that didn't update their card within the 2 day time frame then what's the chance we'll have results by this Friday?


A long shot I would imagine but here's to dreaming.


Doesn't really matter to me. I'm sure they overlooked my 1st choice late December tag and gave me the October hunt again.


I think it would take a small miracle for the results to be posted this week. It has typicaly been 8-10 days after the first CC hits before the results have been posted. I would say the end of next week at the earliest:(



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**I HEARD** take it with a grain of salt. they barely still in alphabetical order calling people and were in the B or C still. Because it is a manual process to call people and with budget cuts and the hiring freeze, not sure how many people are on staff making those phone calls and answering the phone that everyone is bombarding them with. Maybe one day when you are drawn and CC charged your profile in the portal will have your hunt number instantly :-) WISHFUL thinking but it could happen!!!

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Seems a bit unrealistic. If there's 3-4 people in the draw department they should be able to crank through quite a few calls in two 8 hour days. Even if the calls are answered it should be less than a 10 minute call to take credit card info.

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