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Man I'm getting jacked with all the pics of these bucks. Pretty sure my 10 year old son drew the junior hunt. Ruthunter- you mind sending me coordinates on that one that got away? haha! Also I drew the 21 rifle bull hunt. Needless to say I will be living in unit 21 this fall.

If you are crazy or have horses you'll have a chance at a giant bull.
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That fire was hot. Some areas have not come back. Good deer but You gotta hike and hike.I'D go north..............BOB!

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I agree with you all that say there are still good areas in 21. We have to remember, 21 is a good sized unit and the fire didn't destroy all of it. I was just referring to the areas I hunted since 84.

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since you have Horses - some of the coolest areas you'll find will be in and around the Pine Wilderness area - not sure how easy it is to get a horse trailer in there as it's been a few yrs .

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5guys hunting, nice you all scored but if You let em go a couple a years they would be some really nice bucks, unless your doing it to feed the family. Looks like You got an area figured out.>..........................BOB!

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Ya horse trailer on dugas rd have fun.

Gonna drive it here in a couple weeks before I take a trailer in.

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dugas is 1st gear low crawling for alot of it. I wont even drive a 3/4 ton in there with no trailer. You can get in a ways with trailer then you will have to ride from there 6 or 7 miles before you hit wilderness. If it rains 2 drops you will be slimed out as well. Dont be discouraged just be prepared.

I ran into a game warden my first year hunting and I was just criuzing roads getting to know the country, I stopped and shot it for a bit with this guy and he mentioned pine mountain. He said drive in on dugas until im so pissed off i cant take it anymore then park the truck and walk 4 miles to the hunting area. LOL loved that discription.

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5guys hunting, nice you all scored but if You let em go a couple a years they would be some really nice bucks, unless your doing it to feed the family. Looks like You got an area figured out.>..........................BOB!

The 2 points were killed by the boys the small 3 point was killed by a female hunter. You cant eat the horns. :)

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