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TwoOneEight Photography

ARIZONA Elk hunt 2015 trouble with Rino650

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Hello all, As some of you know I got drawn for my first Archery Elk Tag:) I recently grabbed a Garmin Rino650 for this SEPT Hunt an just downloaded AZ hunt Maps from Onxmaps :) I feel like my GPS isn't displaying like i have seen on videos or photos from others ? I don't see the elevation lines, ect? But i do see it on my Basecamp software on my PC ? Not sure what's up but any help would be great .



Nick B


Here's a screen shot from my Rino


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On some garmins You can load multiple maps on your GPS but you can only view one at a time. You cant overlay the topo on top of the OnX


If the RINO lets you view all maps you need to go to your menu settings, map and hit the show all button




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You need to change the "detail" setting in the gps to "most" from the default setting "normal".


This setting is found under "setup map" on the Map Page.

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Thanks , I'll check my settings again . There is an option to enable or disable each map and I do recon that it was set to Most. For spending $110 on this premium hunt map I'm not impressed yet :( just think I'm doing something wrong or it downloaded partially .

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Thanks , I'll check my settings again . There is an option to enable or disable each map and I do recon that it was set to Most. For spending $110 on this premium hunt map I'm not impressed yet :( just think I'm doing something wrong or it downloaded partially .

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Make sure you go back into setup, then maps, the pick the hunt4 map and enable it. I have 650s and thats what i did

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I have the same map. Topo lines go away at the 5 mile scale.


Once you change the detail setting to "most" it will stay at that setting for each map you are looking at.

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