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Anyone have trouble with stick powder in their powder measure

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Ok. I'm a novice.

I built my table this weekend and set my press


I have a hornady powder measure and I degreased it in full. Set it and I'm running imr 4350 and its stick powder and it seems to bind like some powder kernels are getting jammed and binding it when I charge the handle. Causes inefficient loads


I read some forums that said they had issues with stick powder


I disassembled cleaned again. And same issue


Seems odd to have your measure dictate the type of powder you use


Am I making a rookie mistake?


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I don't use a thrower for rifle loads. I have a set of old Lee powder spoons and a few cut down cases that I use to get close to my load then I'll trickle up. The electronic scale/measuring units come in handy.

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The first thing I did when i bought my reloading kit was sell the powder thrower.


If you want to use it, set it to throw low and use the trickler to get your desired charge weight.

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Stick powders can definitely "bridge" in the spout. Sometimes you can tap it and get it to flow, otherwise dump that one and throw another, especially if you are not trickling up to the final weight on a scale. This is the reason the "short cut" powders were developed. Ball powders will not do this, although they can be more temp sensitive in my experience.


My RCBS measure has two spouts with different internal diameters. If yours does use the larger one...



Re-reading your post, It sounds like you are feeling the kernels being cut by the drum when rotating. That is normal for long stick powders.

Edited by Mike S
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So if you chuck the powder measure what do you use?

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I was never a fan of the powder throwers too. I used the spoon that came with the die until I saved enough coin for the RCBS Charge Master. Now I will never go back to anything but the charge master, it makes things much easier and saves a lot of time. They are a pretty penny but worth every cent especially when you do as much reloading as I do.

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I had the same issue with IMR 4350 I switched to H4350 and it meters much smoother

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I could never get my Hornady thrower to produce consistent results with any extruded powder. I set it up to throw light of my final charge and use a trickler. With flake and ball powder it is consistent.


The trickler I use.....




My RCBS Chargemaster will be here Thursday and cant wait to use it. While hand trickling works, it is slow. Loading 100 rifle rounds takes forever.

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Very common to have the charger cut the long or tubular powders. It doesn't hurt anything. Like everyone says, load light and trickle the rest.


King zero. Why the big hurry to load rounds. I have made many mistakes at first when I got in a hurry. Double charging, forgetting a round, inconsistent loads. Just curious.

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Not in a hurry, trickling 100 rounds just takes forever. While I enjoy reloading, sitting eye to eye with my 505 watching powder fall and waiting for those marks to line up gets old quick. Especially when the air conditioning kicks on and blows the scale around. Everyone makes mistakes when they start but I am far from a beginner. I have a routine I follow and has kept me from things like overcharging and the dreaded squib. I reload mostly for my rifles where precision is the main goal and concistancy is paramount. I agree that beginners should take their time and not be focused on speed and quantity.

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I use a chargemaster as well. I always only charge one case at a time and then seat the bullet. If you program the chargemaster, it will start dispensing once you put the powder tray back on the scale. Going back and forth is easy that way.

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I have 4 cheap plastic perfect powder throwers from Lee. They are only used for stick powder. They will not do ball or fine powders but throw within .2 grn every time. 20 bucks from midway. I use rcbs for fine only.

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