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joe hunter

Think I'm gonna cry

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On a side note at the White House ,Obamma wanted to get dogs for His Kids. They had to get rid of them allready after 1 week. They got a couple of coon hounds and they kept treeing the kids............LOL..............BOB!..

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The problem you have is uneducated Americans or corporations vote all these politicians into office. Term limits need to be put into place in congress so things can change. Until you have smart people and not corporations electing congress nothing is going to change. Once Texas executes a corporation I believe they should be able to vote but it is all their $$$ buying what we have now. I have heard a lot about the media as well. Just remember the media is only as conservative or liberal as the companies that own them. You can't get an unbiased report on the news. Yes a lot needs to be changed, including not shipping our jobs overseas.

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Term limits of congress is a must. Look at Harry Fricken Reid. What a joke. I bet He cant tie his own shoes. A lott of others to. One from AZ. named Johny who I actually like cause he's an Arizonan ,but really hasnt done much for the state. 1 simple thing ,the border...............BOB!

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