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joe hunter

Think I'm gonna cry

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I HATE what is becoming of America....the once GREAT, STRONG, RESPECTED, FEARLESS, AMERICA !!! I do not like our politicians at all.....weak, meak, freaks IMO they would sell us down the tubes in a heart beat too, already have !! Now the Quarterback can marry the Linebacker ??? no way am I ever telling my grandsons that s--- is ok, EVER !!


I had my hay day in the 70's and 80's what a great time to be an AMERICAN !!! I fell sorry for you younger folks today not knowing what AMERICA was once really like and just taking a back seat and following along. If Obama can be our leader for 8 years then I'm voting for TRUMP in 16 ...What have we got to lose ? Really.


Remember we are AMERICANS !! we're not supposed to be like everybody else.

Used to be you could walk down any street in any country if you were AMERICAN with your head held high now you have to hide it.


PS. no PC on me !!


Never forget.... the DC Mansion Massacre !!

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I feel your pain joe hunter,I'm old so I won't be around as long as my kids.They are the ones I feel sorry for.

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America is no where near the way it used to be. No respect for the American flag or constitution. Every one is politically correct these days. No one has the balls to say it how it is, we have a black liberal president who has no balls and no respect for the united States.

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I can't begin to tell you how disgusted I am with the scum we have running this country. I could write a book so I will keep it short, we as Americans need to take back our country!!

These scumbags in DC need to go & I am sorry to say it is on both sides of the fence Democrat & Republican!! We need fresh new blood in DC who actually care about this country & its future. The jerkoffs in there now only care about lining their pockets!! Obama is a disgrace & I can not even look at the guy without my blood boiling. I truly feel sorry for my kids & their kids they are going to really suffer if something doesn't change. The America I knew growing up is long gone & it is truly very sad what is happening!!

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Teach your kids young; before the media gets them. Don't be hesitant and think they are too young to discuss right from wrong. The younger you can instill good, rightful thinking the easier it is to see through the media and liberal nonsense. Don't be afraid to ask them questions about what they "think" is right and be quick to help correct their thinking when their thoughts are skewed. It is up to our youth and the younger generations to try and get back to where this country needs to be. But, if you don't take the time to educate them with truth, the media will.


I fear for the country and our religious liberties in the decision that was made by a corrupt high court.

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Our government is a product of our society. A fast food style of life. Everyone wants it now without working hard for it. Everyone has an entitlement and wants hand outs. What's in it for me attitude. The sad thing is the few minority voices are taking over the majority. One because of the media agenda and two because the quiet majority is too busy working their tails off to make ends meet and to take care of their family we don't have time to protest days on end. It's like a line of gun powder slowly burning till it explodes. That's what is going to happen soon with the quiet majority. We're going to explode and want changes but it may be too late. Vote. Get involved. Get informed and educate the young. Keep God in your hearts.

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Crying is not going to get you anywhere bud

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this is what happens when you let the village raise your kids. raise your boys to be men. not just humans with testicles. MEN. guys who get up and go to work and take care of their family and teach their boys to be men also. Men that do what needs done when it needs done. raise your girls to be ladys. LADYS. not just females. ladys that do what moms do, take care of the home and the kids and respect their man for what he does and raise their kids to respect their dad too, for what he does. Ladys that teach their girls to be ladys. if you let the village raise your kids you get village idiots. video game playing, goths, vampires, butt showin' over their pants, stupid hairdo wearin', pierced, lazy, no recpect, loser idiots that don't have an opinion of their own and let others make up their mind for em. kids are like water running off a hill. takes the path of least resistence, unless you guide it. your kids are YOUR kids, not the village's. raise them to believe in what you believe in. not in what some commie believes in. give em meaningful work to do. let em see the value in working. what you are witnessing is what happens when you let the state be your babysitter. just give em more ridalin, turn on the tv, feed em piles of refined sugar, tell em it's up to them to decide what's right, say "Oh it's just a phase he's goin' through". no it ain't a phase. if you let your kid go through phases they stay in phases. now a buncha these tv babysat punks are starting to make the rules. Lark.

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if each state now required to recognize a corn hole marriage license from other states shouldn't they required to recognize each other's CCW's too.


BTW the libs are already planning the next step. Forcing churches to perform corn hole marriage. They already forced a bakery to make a corn hole cake and a wedding photographer to take pics at a corn hole ceremony.

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if each state now required to recognize a corn hole marriage license from other states shouldn't they required to recognize each other's CCW's too.


BTW the libs are already planning the next step. Forcing churches to perform corn hole marriage. They already forced a bakery to make a corn hole cake and a wedding photographer to take pics at a corn hole ceremony.


According to this CCWs should now be recognized. This should piss off the libs something fierce.



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