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Shooter McGavin

Better off dead

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I killed 75% off these just south of I-10 (Rita rd/Rocket Strav). I would lop off the head, put the body in the fridge until I finished working and when I got home the kids and I would skin the snake and dissect them. We were always hoping to see if they had any critters still in their bellies. Never did find any. The other 25% of the snakes were various scouting and hunting trips. I remember bringing one home and had some basketball practice to go To and by the time we remembered it was really late in the evening. The next day, almost 30 hrs from the time of kill and being stuck in the fridge we started our science experiment. Not more than 5 seconds into slicing the belly open with an exacto knife the headless snake squirmed and struck my hand. Talk about filling your britches and having the kids hear some colorful expletives.


I'm sure I'll hear a handful from tree-huggin snake charming folk, but if I'm out in the field alone or with my kids these snakes will meet their maker. No reason to get bit and ruin your day. Plus they make cool Show-N-Tell for school.


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Have you done anything creative with the skins? Ever eat the meat? its not that bad.

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My dad used to snake hunt. Grew up with skins hanging all over the house.


Now I just walk on by them but if they are in my yard, that's a different story.


Do you eat them?

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Tried my luck on tanning some, some turned out nice, others not so good. Never tried eating em. I am very picky about anything with that many tiny bones. Kinda takes the enjoyment out of eating if you ask me.

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I kill the ones that get to close. Let the rest live.

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If you are going to eat them don't get them mad before killing them. Best snake I had was quail hunting and catching them sunning in the river bed. 12 gauge to the head before they could get mad. Then I tanned the hides and made hat bands which I gave away to friends.

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Now Im not going to say I haven't ever killed rattlesnakes, but i believe the majority of snake bites are inflicted when someone is trying to kill the snake in "self defense". A snake is rarely going to bite you, it knows it cant eat you and would rather use its venom on something it can. Now I completely understand your reasoning as to killing these while with your kids! Ive been lucky enough to encounter 5 rattlesnakes this spring and have only had to kill one. I did skin him and "preserve" the skin. When i find i snake, i love to take photos. Thanks for being a great father and protecting your kids, and kill all the snakes you need to if it keeps them safe. However, killing too many snakes does make a negative impact on the enviroment.

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If they show agression towards me, they are dead. Especially the ones that strike without a rattle.

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With horses dogs and kids I don't chance it if I see one they are as good as dead anti venom for a snake bit dog is mighty expensive

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( nice rattle display!)almost stepped on this one at a job site in fire rock , he never rattled and was very calm. took some pics and let him be.



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I grew up hunting them off 3 wheelers in washes & on trails and driving asphalt in jeep BUT BUT BUT things changed after 1st episode of VENOM ER I watched.. I was struck in teen years and was barely invenomated and now see how lucky I was.


After killing hundreds of them I now only kill the ones in my neighborhood. stay safe and be sober if you are intending on messin with thm cuz no matter how fast ya are you aint as fast as a RATTLER


I had 4 as pets when I was a much younger man and I can say I was VERRRRRRY lucky to have not been hit by them.

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Only the ones near the house meet their maker. Out in the wild l let them be.


That being said I think they are strikingly beautiful creatures. (Pun intended)

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