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Right now the 6a is not bad its down in the canyons west of 260 just before you get to the 87. I believe that's 6a?

260 is e+w so it has to be n or s. Sounds like north from reading here. I think

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Right now the 6a is not bad its down in the canyons west of 260 just before you get to the 87. I believe that's 6a?

260 is e+w so it has to be n or s. Sounds like north from reading here. I think

Mulepackhunter is correct. It's right at the 260/87 junction down in the canyons.



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If it is a low intensity fire, nothing like the Wallow fire or Los Alamos fire don't worry about it too much. I had the pleasure of deer hunting in the Gila when the FS did a prescribed burn. Shot a nice muley 10 yards from 3 smoldering stumps on charred ground. The elk weren't bothered by it either.

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So clear creak?

No. More like above the headwaters of fossil creek.... Calf pen canyon

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My brother is on thay fire pretty sure it's a controlled lighting strike witches is floor not canopy most the time

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Yeah both of those fires are managed fires, meaning they are taking advantage of the strike to clean up some. The 6a one is basically done and finished the firing yesterday. Super low intensity for the most part and there were deer already running around in there. Doesn't bother them I don't think. And my buddy is on the Camille fire and he said they most likely aren't going to hit the 54000 acres.

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i have heard that all this great precipitation can turn dangerous with fuel for summer fires. Hopefully that isn't the case with monsoon coming up.

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Regarding cams, one year the 4B fire was pretty big..... I thought my only camera was a gonner. I went up, after the fire was done, and it was still there. The fire split about 50 feet away and didn't touch my tree. Everything else around was gone! It was like someone was protecting it.


I thought, man am I gonna get some cool fire pics! Found out, I forgot to power on the camera...... SMART.

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If it were my tag I would be in the fresh burned areas. Especially the green pockets within the burn that the fire skipped.

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Not to get off subject but if the animals are not afraid of the smoke and fire much why is everybody worried about campfire scent getting on their hunting clothes? Seems to me it would be the best cover scent in the world judging by the comment about deer being in the smolder..

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Not to get off subject but if the animals are not afraid of the smoke and fire much why is everybody worried about campfire scent getting on their hunting clothes? Seems to me it would be the best cover scent in the world judging by the comment about deer being in the smolder..

Good point anyone know???

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Smoke is the best cover scent I have ever used camp fire that is. Had 2 cow elk amd yearling 12 yards down wind and never even act like they winded my brother and i

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