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load info?

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Picked these up a few days ago just trying to decide on what load to go with and figured I'd ask what other people do.. Gonna try it as a coyote load stepped it up give grains from the 40's


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Any 45 gr load info will work for that pill.


A word of caution for that particular 45 grainer... It will likely have an extremely thin jacket as it was designed for 22 Hornet / 218 Bee cartridges. Those lower velocity cases require super thin jackets to do their work (expand). 223 velocities will provide violent expansion.


Also I'd guess that the bullet inside the box doesn't look like the picture. That bullet was made specifically for a 218 Bee with the crimping cannelure and flat point to be used in lever guns.

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Yea they're more of a flat nose im working on my bench right now then I can start reloading and figure out what load my rifle likes the best groupwise thanks for the input

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Not really the question you asked, but I like 22.8 grains of h335 with a 55 grain Zmax. Essentially the same bullet as the Vmax but cheaper.

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223 is pretty forgiving as far as powders go, H322, H335, Varget, W748 are great but I don't have any experience with TAC. I have not loaded for my AR just for a Thompson Contender 14" and it liked H322.

This was a long time ago and I could buy it marked Military Surplus for $6 a pound retail.

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My previous load for my .223 was 26.5 grains of H335 with a 40 grain V-max and it killed em but I had to do some tracking on almost every one, I started out with 52 grain noslers and that just blew a hole right through em which I don't want because I tan the hides, trying to get a load that kills em in their tracks but wont blow a hole out the back side.

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50gr. V-max/Z-Max over 25.5 gr. Benchmark in my .223 at 3400fps. Puts a whooping on anything you hit with it from prairie dogs to coyotes.

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