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Unit 8

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Went up for the last couple days to put out more cameras in 8. Checked out quite a few water tanks and most of them were full, though surprisingly a couple were bone dry. While I was there, it sprinkled on and off Friday night, and today it hailed shortly and down right rained like crazy! Glassed a lot of smaller bulls, and one bachelor heard with very nice looking bulls, that looked like they definitely had potential. Had lots of cows and smaller Bulls on camera, and also a bear that wanted to cool off a little. Anybody else on here get drawn for 8 or been up to scout? And of course archermatt who always finds the sheds found a smaller matching set.




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Good luck. I love me some unit 8! The tag gods tell me i must love another unit though

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Cool pic of the black bear.

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Cool. I really like that funky triple beam. That is the one I would be after.

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