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Well, it's official. Hilary announced She's running for President. I'M running away. LOL. Mr. Clinton was in the bleachers watching the speech and Monica Lewinsky was spotted underneath the bleachers below Mr .Clinton. I am allready tired of her lies. Do the dems have anybody to go against her?.............BOB!

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Guest wdenike

You do know she already announced she was running over a month ago?? She is taking a mulligan on the first launch. And is trolling for retards to buy into the new grand announcement .





It takes a sorry POS to vote for this VERMIN. But they are definitely out there, and they BREED.




Take care, Willie

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I forgot about that ,What difference does it make rant. Makes Ya sick, and how poor we were when we got out of the White House!.. Ole Bill ought to have some fun with the women At the rallies...........BOB!

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Guest wdenike

Why would that be the bigger question??? Most Republicans are just DEMOCRAP- LIGHT. Do we really need more of that chit?? And I believe it is very close to being to late for a real people's president to win. Unless an awful lot of people drag their arses to the polls and try and make America, America again. Other wise it will continue to deteriorate. As the people that vote for a living are out numbering the ones that work for a living.



Take care, Willie

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The game is rigged. The establishment RINO's in the GOP are the problem. Without unity in the party, and a strong candidate that the RNC can rally around, we will lose the election to Hillary. The RINO's hate Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul. Hillary is the only recognizable name on the left side of the fence. Eliziibeth Warren would be worse than Hillary, IMO.


Right now the GOP is it's own worst enemy.

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Guest wdenike

Snap, the RNC rally around???? The RNC,and that D_ ICK with ears Carl Rove are the problem !!!!!! I believe the people better rally around a candidate and donate their money directly to him or her. Or you are supporting the freakin CIRCUS!!!!!!




Take care,Willie

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Willie, as I said, the game is rigged. It takes big money and support to win a Presidential election. Who do you think has all that money and control.?

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I just received a "Presidential Primary ballot' in the mail from the RNC. It is nothing more than a questionnaire, and solicitation for money. It stated that if I could not make a donation, could I please send $15 to cover the processing of the questionnaire. WTF?

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Guest wdenike

Not only is it rigged. But idiots know no bounds. Next they will be sitting in entrance ways to shopping centers with a tin cup and a sign that says working for the RNC. LMAO



Take care, Willie

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Guest wdenike

But the main thing is everybody has to know about this lying witch!!!!!







Take care, Willie

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Not only is it rigged. But idiots know no bounds. Next they will be sitting in entrance ways to shopping centers with a tin cup and a sign that says working for the RNC. LMAO



Take care, Willie

Who should we vote for? Is there someone that doesn't have a 1000 skeletons in his/her closet on either side? That's the problem. Career politicians, Republicans and Dems alike that have figured out how to rip off the American people, lie about everything they do and say and get away with. They are not held accountable for their actions. We need someone with balls in there. They ALL need to go and now. It will get worse before it gets better if we don't do something and quick.

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While having a stone-cold fuggly personal appearance, and a screeching voice should not disqualifiy someone from vying for the Whitehouse...


Character counts and Monicas ex-boyfriends wife has none...

dang! That's one ugly women errr I mean thing. What was slick willy thinking ? Well, they are from Arkansas

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