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Curtis Reed

Why do police have militarized specialty units??

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North Hollywood is a great example. The fact our government does little against the Cartels is another good reason. Localized response to a terrorist attack is another.

The mentality of some that our police officers should carry less fire power than the average criminal pisses me off big time.

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Our PD have been out gunned many times by these gangs and cartels. They need to keep up with the enemy and make sure our police can defend themselves against this kinda of crap.

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Problem is , they aren't being used for cartels. I wish they would and should. Look at Boston after the bombing. People think local police wont be used ever in a Martial Law type scenario are fooling themselves. Stop the crap at the border(Feds jobs), as it should be, then you don't need military type equipment for regular police departments. I understand the need in someways but in other ways it seems like it becomes for big government means to push there power. And yes they would(and have) employ local LE to help do it. The average criminal nowadays with our weak minded fool in charge, could literally be a small terrorist network. At that point a police force will not be enough either way. You would have to have military intervention to squash it. AR15s, etc are good. But where does it stop after armored cars and such??

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