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Tonto Forest Resrictions

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The talk is that the Tonto will put into affect

fire restrictions on Thursday.

No camp fires

No charcoal grills

No smoking


The link below should have the info soon

Please pass it on to everyone you know that is headed up north this weekend that the conditions are really bad and to please be carefull.

We have lost enough habitat allready to fires

Thanks, Mike



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There are also fire restrictions on the Kaibab NF and the Red Rock district of the Coconino NF.



There are no smoking or fire restrictions on the Apache-Sitgreaves, according to their website.



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I am just trying to do my part to protect the forest.

It is scary living up here with the conditions as bad as they are.

We kring (spelling) every time there is lightning, There is nothing we can do about those kind of fires but pray.

The human fires like the Promatory Really suck.

That fire consumed over 4000 acres and to date cost over 4 1/2 millon dollars.

The forest service will be on patroll and will be siteing anyone not following the restrictions.

The fine is $5,000.00 and 6 mo. in jail.

I just ask that everyone inform everyone they know that is headed out for the weekend just how bad it is.



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In addition to the common sense safety tips, like keeping water & a shovel for extinguishing, digging a deep pit, etc., I'd also enourage everyone to make sure you have the local ranger station's phone number plugged into your cell phone. You can find it easy enough by going onto the forest service's website. We're obviously going to see a lot of weekend warriors out intruding in our woods over the holiday weekend, & we all know how alcohol + careless behavior + huge bon-fires can end up. If you see someone stupid doing something stupid, intervene or drop a dime & let the professionals intervene. I know you don't get service in a lot of spots, but I've been surprised at some of the mountain tops I've called home from.

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